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Search results

  1. Scohui

    Everyday I'm ponying or something... Also eagerly waiting for Ever to reply...

    Everyday I'm ponying or something... Also eagerly waiting for Ever to reply...
  2. Scohui

    ...She has to build a Hiiiiiiiiiiiighway to Hell. Anyway...what have you been up to?

    ...She has to build a Hiiiiiiiiiiiighway to Hell. Anyway...what have you been up to?
  3. Scohui

    ...No, I don't go to hell much. Why?

    ...No, I don't go to hell much. Why?
  4. Scohui

    ...Now I'll take your money.

    ...Now I'll take your money.
  5. Scohui

    I see you're enjoying your death.

    I see you're enjoying your death.
  6. Scohui

    Okay then.

    Okay then.
  7. Scohui

    *pokes* You alive?

    *pokes* You alive?
  8. Scohui

    At least it was for a good cause... You are forgiven, as always.

    At least it was for a good cause... You are forgiven, as always.
  9. Scohui

    Fine. [IMG]

    Fine. [IMG]
  10. Scohui

    Sooo uumm...

    Sooo uumm...
  11. Scohui

    Good, you?

    Good, you?
  12. Scohui


  13. Scohui

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV Yesterday year: 2012 Today and weekend year: 1000 I fucking love when my town Time Travels :D
  14. Scohui

    Lots of pony

    Lots of pony
  15. Scohui

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV I taught my dog how to use a skateboard! Sort of...but it was fun anyway. The fact that I sacrified studytime to do it just makes it funnier! Also, 4x4=12
  16. Scohui

    Now I have to choose between a...twilight sparkle with a bit of pinkie pie or a pinkiejack...

    Now I have to choose between a...twilight sparkle with a bit of pinkie pie or a pinkiejack. Probably the former (there's already some people wanting the other one)
  17. Scohui

    At least I would make some progress... I know that girls think I'm funny (which is good) and...

    At least I would make some progress... I know that girls think I'm funny (which is good) and weird (which is bad, cuz they don't want to date a dog.). And when that..."special time" comes, stuff that made them happy one day, may make them mad the next day(which gets me confused) So, as you...
  18. Scohui

    Checking EQD, checking BronyState and trying to get a girlfriend(which would have been easier if...

    Checking EQD, checking BronyState and trying to get a girlfriend(which would have been easier if I had a female best friend. -__-)
  19. Scohui

    So we both have been doing something MLP related.

    So we both have been doing something MLP related.
  20. Scohui

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV Went to cake heaven. Nuff said.
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