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Search results

  1. Scohui

    Sigh...it's okay, better late than never. What have you been up to, anyway?

    Sigh...it's okay, better late than never. What have you been up to, anyway?
  2. Scohui

    And guess who waited for you to talk back. Me.

    And guess who waited for you to talk back. Me.
  3. Scohui

    Aiyam Eternal. Wait, what? =\

    Aiyam Eternal. Wait, what? =\
  4. Scohui

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    I want a Twi-minigun. This was the best finale ever! This season has to end more often.
  5. Scohui


  6. Scohui

    Or at least MLP weddings. It was awesome\violent\whocares.

    Or at least MLP weddings. It was awesome\violent\whocares.
  7. Scohui

    Me too. But I do like ROYAL WEDDINGS. Um wait...

    Me too. But I do like ROYAL WEDDINGS. Um wait...
  8. Scohui

    You like mudkips?

    You like mudkips?
  9. Scohui

    Heeeeh I'll quit it.

    Heeeeh I'll quit it.
  10. Scohui

    You're the one who did it!

    You're the one who did it!
  11. Scohui

    Your usertitle. You don't mean it, right?

    Your usertitle. You don't mean it, right?
  12. Scohui

    That's...good. I just made a toilet paper tower! :D Feels good man.

    That's...good. I just made a toilet paper tower! :D Feels good man.
  13. Scohui

    ...Why are you saying Tacos? Want one? I don't have one. They don't exist here. Sorry.

    ...Why are you saying Tacos? Want one? I don't have one. They don't exist here. Sorry.
  14. Scohui


  15. Scohui


  16. Scohui

    Awwww I thought you were going to stay... Oh well Pony time for me! *Jumps into...THE UNKNOWN."

    Awwww I thought you were going to stay... Oh well Pony time for me! *Jumps into...THE UNKNOWN."
  17. Scohui

    Now stay thar on account o' ah's a-gonna ett dinner. Stay thar!

    Now stay thar on account o' ah's a-gonna ett dinner. Stay thar!
  18. Scohui

    Don't waugh at othew peopwe's stupidness!

    Don't waugh at othew peopwe's stupidness!
  19. Scohui

    Was I...sucessful? Suucesful? Ssucesful? Suceesful? Goddamnit?

    Was I...sucessful? Suucesful? Ssucesful? Suceesful? Goddamnit?
  20. Scohui

    I'm trying to understand your...post(?), but if you are asking me why I haven't talked with you...

    I'm trying to understand your...post(?), but if you are asking me why I haven't talked with you in a while...there's a simple reason: -I have nothing worth your time. There are so many productive(in every way) things you could do instead of hea er... reading my nonsense. But anyway, I don't...
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