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Search results

  1. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    Gladion’s eyes lit in a way that suggested he would be smiling, had he a visible mouth. “We do make a good pair.” Only to be brought down again a sentence later. “I miss mine, too… I used to think of myself as someone who doesn’t need much company. I guess it’s not entirely untrue, but I think...
  2. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    “Hazel.” There was a new warmth to Gladion. “At the end of the day she’s still a Null, which as I’m increasingly aware isn’t exactly comfortable. But she takes it well. No medical issues yet, and very sweet personality. Nicer than I am, honestly. And happier, probably…” A listless sigh. “Miss...
  3. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Gladion narrowed his eyes at the sabotage. "Did someone burn this bridge and destroy a dam upriver? This and the surge don't feel coincidental." He wished Mhynt was here to teleport people across. As much as he knew to respect rushing waters, he still couldn't shake the feeling there should be...
  4. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    "Crimes..." Gladion said, a facetious wistfulness in his tone. "Honestly, seems like everyone here's committed them. Guess Betel's not a legal-moralist. And, really, I'd say you got the important beat, I wouldn't say being 'family' was what made the situation important to me. She's alright when...
  5. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    The difference between Gladion’s previous, forced laugh and this genuine one was clear. His voice didn’t have the weight of as much awkwardness. “Can’t really hide it, can I? Trechary of the soul… Alright, I’ll indulge you, but you gotta keep it away from the people who know mes, or some of them...
  6. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    Gladion returned his own equally-sheeting laugh in lieu of knowing how to hold an actual normal conversation. “This place is so strange I can’t help feel normal. Though I also have to make a hypocrite of myself being involved in genetic experiments does make you definitionally pretty abnormal...
  7. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    “Haven’t heard of that group, but those events sound roughly familiar. I think the one in my world gave them the slip, but I’m not sure given it wasn’t very public. I wonder if the name’s translating weird because the name sounds… ill-fitting of a group like that. Probably is, if I’m from Alola...
  8. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    Gladion laughed. “Nah, I get what you mean. One of the appeals this place held for me was a chance to leave all the baggage behind. Feels a lot more precarious now that other people here know ‘me.’ Would’ve been nice to talk about the bits of my life I’d be cool with if not for people putting...
  9. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    “Touché. Guess we won’t know…” Though the odds that, of every Starr out there, this one happens to be from the exact world as you must be slim-to-none. Unfortunately, it seemed his social skills were still catching up to the rest of his brain. (Was Jade feeling the way he did talking to Laura...
  10. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    “Yeah. Not really sure how to feel about it, seems like a lot of the Null projects see…” Gladion paused, trying and failing to find a phrasing that wouldn’t sound stupid. “Uhh, ‘Gladions’ crop up on the general vicinity. I guess what I’m getting at is…” Gladion closed his eyes. “If you’ve heard...
  11. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    “It was worth a shot…” As much as there was good tactical reason to look for Start, Gladion wasn’t so lacking in emotional skills as to mistake that for the only reason. “Guess being closer to the Escarpa kept her shielded from the town’s press cycle. Was probably better for her even if it makes...
  12. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    He’d kind of walked right into that one, and honestly Gladion felt a bit self-conscious about admitting how unrealistic his search was. “Found out Betel knew an older name for my species here and said one was around about a year ago, and given we’re supposed to be looking for information that’d...
  13. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives
    Threadmarks: Ch04: Other Selves and Rescues [Jade and Gladion]

    Gladion was back at the archives again, this time with a new idea— still a long shot, improbable if not impossible, but something he had to try anyway. At least it felt different from his aimless searches from before. He had a new term to look for: When before he’d only looked for Nulls or RKS...
  14. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Rail Bridge Over the Silver

    Gladion visibly relaxed and quickly pulled out a Lum berry and using more healing, including their Escarpa opponents this time. “Good fight.” Resisting the urge to roll his eyes at Pyrrin, he amending his comment. Even as he took on a less serious tone, he made sure to drop any lilt of teasing...
  15. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Rail Bridge Over the Silver

    Gladion felt himself burning up from both sides. It hurt, but not so much he couldn’t handle it… Though given how much less pain he usually felt here, that was already a bad sign in and of itself. Rin had knocked him out and he’d still just walked out of the hall after. “Pyrrin…” he uttered in...
  16. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Rail Bridge Over the Silver

    There was a deep satisfaction to landing a hit like that one. And to the battle in general, really. The stakes, his fears and worries, it all faded into the background behind the reality of the fight in this singular moment. It was the same clarity he felt when facing Rin, and must have been...
  17. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Rail Bridge Over the Silver

    Gladion heard “down” and instinctually ducked before the human part of his head, in contact with Betelnet, caught up and got the actual idea. His eyes widened. “Oh, shit, bye,” he mumbled awkwardly at Pyrrin. Not being able to see his target posed some trouble, but Mhynt was doing a good chunk...
  18. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Rail Bridge Over the Silver

    He had to make a snap decision before the team's connection to Betel had even come online. When Pyrrin attacked, Gladion lowered his helmet to try to take the brunt of the flame. It was pointless, the flames were aimed at his feet. By the time he realized it, he was already moving, already...
  19. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Rail Bridge Over the Silver

    It was four of them against just three. Gladion wasn’t going to complain, he needed all the help he could get, but in a less tense match he could’ve seen himself disappointed not to see what Halćon could do too. (Even if the answer was kicking their asses. They were warriors, after all, while he...
  20. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Rail Bridge Over the Silver

    Gladion sighed. “Don’t count on it. We’ll just have to get this done as quickly as possible.”
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