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Search results

  1. Shiny Phantump

    Little Scriven Lumirror Forest

    Gladion felt a song of fear in his heart. This was worst possible “puzzle” he could have been faced with. He scrambled for some other secret, some lesser truth to share. One that wasn’t as mortifying as the one drilling it’s way through his skull right now. But he couldn’t, because there was...
  2. Shiny Phantump

    Little Scriven Lumirror Forest

    (Had that Floette been the one designing the puzzle? It seemed more likely than the idea of dungeons as alive being more than just a poetic metaphor.) “I can only halfway see for shit in the first place, I’ll be fine.” Gladion laughed before allowing himself to take the problem more seriously...
  3. Shiny Phantump

    Little Scriven Lumirror Forest

    Gladion narrowed his eyes. “Wait, does “Oricorio” really count as a title? That’s the author! I mean, it would spell North but if that’s the solution I’m gonna be annoyed…” He grumbled. “Fine, that probably is the answer but it doesn’t make sense!”
  4. Shiny Phantump

    Little Scriven Lumirror Forest

    "I'm a..." He paused, strongly considering getting pithy and calling himself an alien. But he decided not to push it. Especially because he gave it 50-50 odds Ghaspius would buy it. “…a human.” Once Gladion noticed the reflections, he froze. He’d been in and around dungeons before, but he’d...
  5. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    “I suppose that’s true,” Gladion admitted, though in a rather pained tone, “I still don’t find it easy to trust the frontier’s justice system after everything I’ve seen so far, though…” Gladion rolled his eyes. He’d been trying to give a shit about them. She couldn’t make that easy for him...
  6. Shiny Phantump

    Little Scriven Lumirror Forest

    Gladion sighed. “I’m not sure. I expected it to look different, based on that description. Wasn’t there supposed to be… paper or something?” Hello, Betel, do you read me? Are we in the right place? Also, while we’re taking, you completely one hundred percent certain that this cannot possibly...
  7. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    Gladion laughed. "I'd say you shouldn't have trusted them as far as you can throw them, but apparently be cutting them too much slack... Though I can't say that would've been good for morale. Guess you got what you deserved out of all this! I mean, really, what kind of leader do you think you...
  8. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    “Shut up!” Gladion shouted, barreling forward for a body press without so much as stopping to break his sentences first. “You do NOT get to climb out of your fucking loot pile tent and whine like we’re so lucky, like you have nothing and we couldn’t imagine that.” Don’t you dare act like you’re...
  9. Shiny Phantump

    Little Scriven Scrivener's Library

    Gladion nodded. “Some stuff happened. Fair bit is stuff we’d be wise to keep quiet about. My apologies if you’re curious, but some of it isn’t even really ‘ours’ to go spreading. Such is life sometimes. How are things going here?”
  10. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    Gladion fixed his cloak. Sure, the combination of it with the helmet made him more like he’d emerged fully-formed at age fourteen from a Hot Topic than even his favourite hoodie could ever have dreamed, but it was eminently practical. And who was this Morgrem trying to knock it off, too? Was she...
  11. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    Gladion growled in frustration as two iron thorns clattered off his helmet. "Clearly, someone does get the jump on the fiends. We're kind of right here as we speak. I don't know why you bother yelling something so obviously disproven by the fact we're here doing this at all."
  12. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    “Leave the shock and awe for the little ones, we’ll just do what we need. Don’t have to worry about putting on a show for anyone.” He reached for some spikes he’d prepared, a way to slow things down when they ended up at a numbers disadvantage, and scattered some. Then he turned his attention...
  13. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    “Don’t really care if we leave them, but it sounds like they wouldn’t be leaving much behind if they just walked. My main point is we should get straight to the festival as soon as possible. No more diversions.”
  14. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    Gladion sighed. “We’re going with ‘Graydian’ here. Slower, bulky endurance, and I hit things with the helmet.” At this point, even he could here the camp trough his helmet. “Gonna say, yeah, whoever’s in that camp is definitely definable as a fiend.”
  15. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    Gladion looked over the dungeon they were ostensibly hidden in. “Alright. This where they’re hiding out? Let’s get this over with as soon as possible. And trust the wanted posters were deserved this time...” They’d better have been.
  16. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Gladion furrowed his brow. “Frankly, I’m not sure what all this effort is even for. It’s not a particularly wild guess to figure we’d take some interest in something that’s at least in some sense related to us. I don’t know why they’d want to tail us if they know where we’re going, but if they...
  17. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Gladion narrowed his eyes. “As generous as the word ‘victims’ feels in this context, I’ll grant that taking you in seems unnecessary when you’re probably more of a hazard to yourselves than anyone around you…” Trying to take the edge off his voice, he took a long breath and held it for a moment...
  18. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Gladion stopped pulling the cart. Okay, that’s a Scyther, right? They not know what it is? Not from ‘around here’ maybe? Not much he could say to Aipom about that, though. Unlike… someone talking from inside the cart. That was inherently suspicious. At least in a context you had to smack the...
  19. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    "Huh, interesting. Wonder what it would be like to just... be able to talk to Hazel after years..." It was hard to picture what it would be like for that to happen. Sure, having been here made it easier to picture, but his idea of what his team was like back home was still kept separate. He...
  20. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    Gladion looked the cart up and down. Just cloth? That… should be doable. “Well, we’re headed to the same place. I wouldn’t mind lending you a… bit of assistance in getting it there.” He shot the Aipom an inquisitive look as he stepped up to the cart. “Though I do want to ask you to give us...
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