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Search results

  1. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Rail Bridge Over the Silver

    "No point in repeating everything we said to Sierra. If this works better for you, it sounds less frustrating to me.” Gladion stretched his talons. “Got it.” In the meantime, his attention would be on Pyrrin. A weakness to fighting was the obvious reason, but he also wanted to see if it might...
  2. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Rail Bridge Over the Silver

    Laura? "Laura, did you come up here on your own? Did you expect to...?" He sighed. "Whatever, another time. More importantly, Sierra's expressed a strategic interest in having the people of Black Water willing to deal with the clan against the shadows. This rail line's more than the sum of its...
  3. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Rail Bridge Over the Silver

    Finally, Gladion saw what he was looking for. Thank goodness, because as much as his body had originally been designed for endurance with little recovery, it could not be understated how much the giant piece of metal bolted to his head did to undo that. They were, though perhaps cutting it...
  4. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    "Me? Really?" He mused over it for a moment. "Guess I could make it on time with help, even if I'd be too slow alone... Sure, I'll make it work, it's not like we have much time to deliberate." He looked to Sierra. "Mind sending someone after me? Halcón, maybe, if he's still listening in...
  5. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    A burning hope lit in Gladion’s eyes, different not only from the moment of dismay before, but even from when they had arrived. When he spoke, his voice carried the same change. “We have to stop them, then. That’s the only way this goes smoothly for anyone… When we arrived here, it was a rough...
  6. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    "Fuck." Gladion forced himself to take a moment to collect himself instead of saying something he'd regret... Not too much, at least. There were limits to his self-control on these situations, which honestly was another reason on top of the obvious that running away was the only possible...
  7. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    “A Litten, I’d guess? They’re often partners with trainers where I come from, so that would make sense for one a human trainer’s soul would have a strong connection to. Would probably serve as a tell to anyone looking to poach offworlders, but I’m hardly one to talk there…” Gladion took a deep...
  8. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    "We are from other worlds, though... You can tell me to shut it if I ought to," Gladion mused, "But it's an interesting question. I'd wager there's a good chance most of us are city folk. When this world calls for a certain kind of offworlder's souls, worlds with more souls are more likely to...
  9. Shiny Phantump

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    Gladion took a deep breath and steeled himself what was about to happen. They had a plan. They'd got concessions on the railroad to offer, and a more amicable acting-mayor in Lucien to work with... for however long his brief tenure before the election would be. They might, just might be able to...
  10. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    "Alright. I guess there's nothing left to do but hope this ends well." They were supposed to go chasing down this Wolf, were they? It wasn't a bad idea, but he still felt enough people had plans to that effect already. Gladion had other thoughts on his mind. He still couldn't get his mind off...
  11. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Lucien's words struck straight to Gladion's heart. "Yeah..." he said, in a tentative tone as if something could break if he spoke too flippantly. "Yeah, it can be. I see what you mean. Makes sense why you don't want to stick around in power. Sometimes you just have to... get out of the shadow...
  12. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Gladion tilted his head to get a look at the... thing. "It... does look familiar, though not as a device. It appears to be a model of a place in Kalos, the region the Voclain name sounds like it would have come from. But I'm not aware of any significance it has, or would have had. It seems too...
  13. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Gladion grimaced. Perhaps this was karma for the times he’d called island challengers kids to get under their skin. (Even when he wasn’t really older than them in any significant way.) “Wait— I’m younger than the guy you know, but to be clear I’m not a child.” And of course, the implication he...
  14. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Gladion clenched his eyes shut. “If being pissed brings out shadow corruption, we can’t have it that bad yet. I’m fine right now, after all,” he offered in a cold, flat tone.
  15. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    “I have so many problems with this situation and primary among them is that we’re hearing about it for the first time here and now”
  16. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Gladion was, more than anything else, tired of dealing with this railroad already. Technically, he hadn't even had to do that much with it yet, but he and the railroad had got off to a rough start. And between the idea of it being a incursion point for Coven influence, whatever other people...
  17. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Gladion grimaced. "Honestly, the more I find out, the less I think I understand. Feels to me like we're in the dark, too. Acting passively from the back foot. Maybe it would be best if we started with the Escarpa situation, and how to make sure it doesn't spill over to here. That seems like...
  18. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Once he was sure there were enough people there he wouldn’t be subject to smalltalk, Gladion made his way to the room Lucien had invited them too meet in. The place looked quite comfortable. Gladion couldn’t help feeling out of place in spite of— or perhaps because of— that. A room full of...
  19. Shiny Phantump

    Offscreen Activities

    When word of this reaches Gladion he’ll contribute that Valere warned them of the railway being a likely tool for the Coven to spread their influence, and that it might work out best for everyone— save any wannabe railway barons— if the damage were to be contained from spreading and completed as...
  20. Shiny Phantump

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

    Gladion sorta half sucked his legs in the closest emulation he could find to nodding this body could do with the helmet. “Sounds good. Anything that’d get the attention of an ARK Unit, I think. I… really hope we can find one. Would answer a lot of questions.” He took a step back. “Anything you...
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