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Search results

  1. OliTheGeek

    What's your favorite Fire Starter?

    cyndaquil is by far my favorite starter. of all of them besides bulbasaur. it's also tied with umbreon for my all time favorite pokemon.
  2. OliTheGeek

    What are you favorite unappreciated Pokémon?

    i'm pretty sure that my mom has a klefki... but instead of keys, it's full of membership keychain card things (like library cards and stuff)
  3. OliTheGeek

    Create Stuff & Chill

    I love the sunkern!! its's adorable
  4. OliTheGeek

    how do i use the random tag?

    how do i use the random tag?
  5. OliTheGeek

    i have a signature now

    i have a signature now
  6. OliTheGeek


  7. OliTheGeek

    not yet. I found some tho!

    not yet. I found some tho!
  8. OliTheGeek


  9. OliTheGeek

    Clue Game Hints

    do i have to include the quantity of all of the pokemon on the list?
  10. OliTheGeek

    Clue Game Hints

    anyone have hints for number 27? i looked for a list of butterfree's favorite pokemon on the site, thinking that that had something to do with it, and didn't find anything in anywhere i though it would be.
  11. OliTheGeek

    Hi Jirachu

    Hi Jirachu
  12. OliTheGeek

    im new

    lol. Hi Mewtini! thanks for the super-welcome
  13. OliTheGeek

    Clue Game Hints

    I just figured out who it was. the pokemon has both a pre evolution and an evolution, and all three are in different generations
  14. OliTheGeek

    Clue Game Hints

    i tried dodrio and the deino line, but neither worked...
  15. OliTheGeek


  16. OliTheGeek


  17. OliTheGeek


  18. OliTheGeek

    Clue Game Hints

    clue 25: but i liked being single! Surrounded on both sides now, popcorn on one, cannons on the other. 1543 people have gotten this far... Show hint The theory of evolution is still a good theory. About the Clue Game
  19. OliTheGeek

    Clue Game Hints

    sure. lemme copy paste it
  20. OliTheGeek

    am i allowed to ask why the lines about emmy's gf are crossed out?

    am i allowed to ask why the lines about emmy's gf are crossed out?
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