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Search results

  1. Sglod


    Did you hear about the honorable new trend that's removing today's samurai? You try! It's contemporary cucumbers! The hip way to bring death to Nihon!
  2. Sglod

    Vending Machine Game

    In goes my blown mind. Out comes Merlin the Happy Pig.
  3. Sglod

    Rename the Above Poster!

  4. Sglod

    The Spriter's Showcase! Mk II

    My avatar is the best sprite I have ever made... Didn't really take much doing...
  5. Sglod


    Did you hear about the honorable new trend that's wiping out today's samurai? You bet! It's contemporary seppuku! The hip way to bring emotion to newspapers!
  6. Sglod

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes a dog with two tails In goes a Buffalo buffalo who buffaloes Buffalo buffalo
  7. Sglod

    Vending Machine Game

    Oh... I see it now... Well, some of it, anyway... In goes Mo Farah (born in 1983) Out comes a nice plate of korma...
  8. Sglod

    Vending Machine Game

    Yeah... you may not want to eat that... Out comes a plaster (I just cut myself whilst slicing bread...) In goes the Irish rugby team...
  9. Sglod

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes a packet of Salt of Vinegar crisps. In goes a severed hand, still bleeding vigorously.
  10. Sglod

    Rename the Above Poster!

  11. Sglod

    Gastronomer's Greetings

    Welcome, person of many commas!
  12. Sglod

    Celebrities you confuse

    My dad gets Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking mixed up because of their names and the fact that as they both like to disprove God's existence... (He's a Christian, I'm not...)
  13. Sglod

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I've recovered from a throat infection! Now I can swallow without feeling like I've just been garroted! :grin:
  14. Sglod

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes Greninja... In goes the whole of Lincolnshire...
  15. Sglod

    Two truths and a lie

    Hahahahahahahahahaha! Wrong! I am a rulebreaker! The lie is number 3! (Stephen Fry was very sweaty...)
  16. Sglod

    Two truths and a lie

    They keep coming... 1. I once walked out of school and walked the whole 7 miles home in the rain... 2. I once literally bumped into Stephen Fry whilst in a bookshop in London... 3. I once found the body of a murder victim whilst out on a bike ride...
  17. Sglod

    Rename the Above Poster!

    Rock with Moustache
  18. Sglod

    TCoD creates a post.

  19. Sglod

    Two truths and a lie

    Correct! You must be psychic... or me in an ingenious disguise... or stood behind me... or... one of my family who will never listen to Led Zeppelin again...
  20. Sglod

    Rename the Above Poster!

    The Wannabe Welshman (If you are actually Welsh, then I christen you DynTrwynMawr (coz, like, your avatar's Probopass))
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