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Search results

  1. Charc

    Can Men and Women Be Just Friends? [Article]

    Guys and girls can be (just) friends. I have a few guy friends, and we get along well. I don't like them either, I mean they're nice people, but I don't like them in that way. I don't feel uncomfortable around them either, though I am most comfortable with my friends that are girls. I think it's...
  2. Charc

    Nerdy love!

    Hooray for you! 3 years? Wow.
  3. Charc

    Funny Moments at School V2

    Tim is an Idiot Mr.C "Why don't you have a pencil?" Tim "They're all dull." Mr. C "Hmm. Well, if only we could invent a device that sharpens wood on a pencil." Everyone else: Cracks up Tim: turns red with embarassment. Mr. C "Well class, what have we learned today?" Everyone: "Tim doesn't...
  4. Charc

    Yeah, trades. Go rip off some sucker who has rare/valuable cards and knows nothing about making...

    Yeah, trades. Go rip off some sucker who has rare/valuable cards and knows nothing about making good trades. Not that my friend was a sucker, I had to trade away my Blaziken for that. =(
  5. Charc

    Rate the Username Above

    Xaldin 9.5/10 Sounds cool.
  6. Charc

    Hmmm? You wanna explain that hmmm. (It sounds suspicious, like you've committed a crime.) You...

    Hmmm? You wanna explain that hmmm. (It sounds suspicious, like you've committed a crime.) You don't wanna go to jail for a card, do you Mocho?
  7. Charc

    Lucky? You think I'm lucky? Yeah right. I got the Dark Blastoise in a trade from my friend and...

    Lucky? You think I'm lucky? Yeah right. I got the Dark Blastoise in a trade from my friend and the other one was in a pack where it was guaranteed you'd get one. I'm not lucky. I just made the trade and bought the pack. (My regular Blastoise is holo, though. I guess that's lucky. That's all though.)
  8. Charc

    Funny Moments at School V2

    At my school this one boy didn't know his phone number, another boy didn't know how to sharpen a pencil, and another boy called himself Tiffany. This one boy always talks in a slur (it's really funny if you ever get to hear it.) One girl put a pretzel in another girl's hair and she didn't...
  9. Charc

    Yeah, I know. I found a Blastoise and a Dark Blastoise before I found my Dark Charizard.

    Yeah, I know. I found a Blastoise and a Dark Blastoise before I found my Dark Charizard.
  10. Charc

    Lolz, wow. You mean you haven't found a single Charizard card?! Oh, well. At least video games...

    Lolz, wow. You mean you haven't found a single Charizard card?! Oh, well. At least video games exist for us, so we can actually get one.
  11. Charc

    Hi Mocho! My first friend in the forums. Yeah, I'm a big time Charizard fan. I spent 3 years...

    Hi Mocho! My first friend in the forums. Yeah, I'm a big time Charizard fan. I spent 3 years searching for a Charizard card. Then EX came out, and I had to get Charizard EX. Never got it though. I have Dark Charizard though. Wowza, I'm obsessed. 3 years spent looking for a card I never got. . ...
  12. Charc

    I can post in Visitor Messages? Cool. Hi, Mocho!

    I can post in Visitor Messages? Cool. Hi, Mocho!
  13. Charc

    The Most Forgotten Pokemon

    I've never forgotten Voltorb. It looks like a pokéball. I just remember that there's this dude in FireRed and LeafGreen by the Safari zone zoo who says, 'Oooh. I want that item ball! Don't you want it too? Huh, that's a pokémon?'
  14. Charc

    The Most Forgotten Pokemon

  15. Charc

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    We have no proof that there is in fact a God. Believing in a God consists entirely in faith and religion. If you are Atheist, you don't believe in a God. I however, being a Mormon and having a good amount of faith, say that a God (Heavenly Father) does exist and that he loves us all as his...
  16. Charc

    Hi to everyone

    Hi. I've visited Dragonfree's site for a while, so I thought, why not join the forums? A bit about myself: My favorite pokemon is charizard (pretty obvious). I have a crimson red and black DS Lite. I plan to get both HeartGold and SoulSilver. I have a YouTube channel. My favorite eeveelution is...
  17. Charc


    Hi, piplupthingie. Nice to meet you. By the way, what is your YouTube account?
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