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Search results

  1. Scohui

    I'll bear that in mind.

    I'll bear that in mind.
  2. Scohui

    *pretending to know who you said face* Good for you

    *pretending to know who you said face* Good for you
  3. Scohui

    You see, there's a animal launcher pointing at me.(Oh deer) So?

    You see, there's a animal launcher pointing at me.(Oh deer) So?
  4. Scohui

    Oh yeah quick question: Am I going to die now or what?

    Oh yeah quick question: Am I going to die now or what?
  5. Scohui

    Saw that particular image yesterday. Before I watched the episode.

    Saw that particular image yesterday. Before I watched the episode.
  6. Scohui

    .... .... .... Okay. Makes things simple.

    .... .... .... Okay. Makes things simple.
  7. Scohui

    I'm doing boringly good.

    I'm doing boringly good.
  8. Scohui


  9. Scohui

    How is you if you is a person?

    How is you if you is a person?
  10. Scohui


  11. Scohui


  12. Scohui

    Mmmmmmmmmm...plausasdbfhjklasbih <something I don't know how to spell Me no magician. Me no...

    Mmmmmmmmmm...plausasdbfhjklasbih <something I don't know how to spell Me no magician. Me no spell. Me is fine.
  13. Scohui

    How are you?

    How are you?
  14. Scohui


  15. Scohui

    Well, until 17th September. Then I'm going to be 14. Tell me something, what is your online...

    Well, until 17th September. Then I'm going to be 14. Tell me something, what is your online time? One message per day is not enough to cover the 2.75 (or so) months of inactivity.
  16. Scohui

    Then we both are 13.

    Then we both are 13.
  17. Scohui

    Yeah...but it isn't the same thing. 13 or 14?

    Yeah...but it isn't the same thing. 13 or 14?
  18. Scohui

    You are right. I'm getting predictable, if I spelled it right.

    You are right. I'm getting predictable, if I spelled it right.
  19. Scohui

    Yo dude

    Yo dude
  20. Scohui

    Oh dammit missed your birthday. *facepalm* Happy late birthday anyway...

    Oh dammit missed your birthday. *facepalm* Happy late birthday anyway...
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