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Search results

  1. Togechick

    Is this where the COOL KIDS hang out? ;-p

    You're not the only one Teehee ;)
  2. Togechick

    I Have Returned.

    Welcome back! I don't know who you are, But I like to meet others randomly (Spreads Joy Dust) xD (Wait a second! Didn't I do something like this before? Deja Vu!)
  3. Togechick

    Fantasy hold items

    Edit: I was a bit late for the party...
  4. Togechick

    Okay thank you ;)

    Okay thank you ;)
  5. Togechick

    Can Samurott really stand on two feet?

    I guess your right. Just that the move has "Sword" in it seems appropriate in my opinion.
  6. Togechick

    Oh hello there ;)

    Oh hello there ;)
  7. Togechick

    Can Samurott really stand on two feet?

    Samurott should be able to learn (Sacred Sword) Pokedex 3D Shows it taking a sword out of it's leg. Well. Same thing goes with Espeon (It has ESP=Extra Sensory Perception) Should be able to learn (Extrasensory) even though it is quite pointless, I'ma just sayin.
  8. Togechick

    Most heartbreaking moment?

    Pokemon Crystal. Hatched a Shiny Togepy from that egg, You know? that one Prof.Elm gives you... And my DS went flat. Soo upsetting. >:(
  9. Togechick


    Welcome, Have a beautiful time. (Spreads Joy Dust to lighten up the post) xD
  10. Togechick

    I'm back

    Welcome back! I don't know you, but I like to meet others randomly (Spreads Joy Dust) xD
  11. Togechick

    Dawww! Thanks ;)

    Dawww! Thanks ;)
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