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Search results

  1. KMew

    How Tall Are You?

    12 and 5'5. Random Fact: I know a guy who knows this girl that was 6'1 in sixth grade.
  2. KMew

    Right or Left Shift

    Left. Always left.
  3. KMew

    I have Action Replay!

    But I would have to hit toss 998 times (since I haven't used my original one yet.) D=
  4. KMew

    How did you come to T-Cod?

    I was Google-ing stuff about Pokemon and this one forum had like "Hey look this is cool!!" It was a link to the site, and then I just eventually joined the forums. Yup.
  5. KMew

    Which postbit do you use?

    I use vertical. Just cause I think it looks wayyyyyy better.
  6. KMew

    Bring Back the Adoption Center?

    I pretty much agree with everyone else. Adoption Center was cool, Arcade was 10x cooler. ;D
  7. KMew

    I have Action Replay!

    Yay? Action Replays are always fun. But I refuse to use one since a friend brought one to school, took my diamond version, and hacked in like 999 Master Balls. Which are so tempting x_x
  8. KMew

    D/P/Pt My Team Needs Help Desperately.

    Ah, Mewtwo. Forgot about that. Okay, so that's another thing. What should I replace my Mewtwo with?
  9. KMew

    D/P/Pt My Team Needs Help Desperately.

    Okay, my team really isn't too balanced, and I don't have very good movesets. I also would like to replace a few Pokemon. Key [ X ] = want to get rid of. ---- Mewtwo {Lv. 100} Hardy -Shadow Ball -Blizzard [ X ] -Earthquake -Psychic [Chicker] Blaziken (Male) {Lv. 100} Relaxed -Flamethrower...
  10. KMew

    Man calls 911 because of wrong Subway order

    Wow... I honestly didn't think that humanity could stoop so low. But, I could actually see this happening.
  11. KMew


    No. I most definitely would not go screw myself.
  12. KMew

    Mystery Gift

    Okay, so this has really been bothering me. In Diamond/Pearl, once you select Mystery Gift, one of the options that you can select is "Nintendo WFC." What 'Mystery Gifts' can you get from Wi-Fi, and when can you? o_o;; I know that I probably sound stupid right now.
  13. KMew

    How do you make your games a challenge?

    I don't do this anymore, but when I first started playing Pokemon I would just train my starter. I beat Gold with just my Typhlosion, but just because I didn't feel like training any other Pokemon at the time.
  14. KMew

    Trainers with your name?

    There was a PokeFanatic or something in Gold version that was all dressed up in Pikachu outfits named Derrick. That's as close to Derek as Pokemon has got for me. ;)
  15. KMew

    I'm Back?

    Well, whatever happened to the forums, I'm back. So, hey everyone.
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