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Search results

  1. Tetra

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    Feeling briefly hot with embarassment, Koa ducked his head, hesitating. He could just make up an excuse to leave but that'd probably be rude and even more awkward. And it meant going back to his room alone and trying to get some sleep. Mumbling a thanks, he followed her inside, feeling secretly...
  2. Tetra

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    The memory of Drapion came to mind, which brought with it a host of other uneasy feelings he quickly pushed away. Look what you did, you're bothering her more. "Just checking. Can't be too careful," he said with a shrug, looking as nonchalant as he could. He tried to meet her gaze in an effort...
  3. Tetra

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    His heart lurched as he turned around awkwardly. All his reasons for coming were beginning to feel stupider by the second. "Sorry... I uh I was-..." He swallowed. "I was worried about you." Not a lie at least. Seeing her alive and okay brought a brief relief. Dream or not, the image of Alex...
  4. Tetra

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon
    Threadmarks: Ch05: Midnight Jaw [Koa & Odette]

    Standing before Odette’s door to her room at Sun Stone Saloon, Koa suddenly felt very stupid. What was he thinking, coming here? And yet the idea of turning back, going back to the dark empty lonely room at the Haus felt even less appealing. The memories of the dream had grown muddled on his...
  5. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    At least it sounded like Steven wouldn't dwell on it too much. Still, he refused to believe it. It couldn't be true, Steven couldn't be going back to... that. "It's okay," Koa offered with a half smile. "That's what friends are for. We'll figure this out somehow. Besides I'm sure there's more to...
  6. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    Koa's heart twisted. "I'm sorry," he murmured. A part of his mind was still fixated on the strangeness of it all. The rest of him felt terrible for Steven. His mother must have meant a lot to him... It didn't make sense. How could Steven have had such a reaction? He hadn't been infected. If it...
  7. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    "What?" Koa yelped. "Wait, what do you mean?" He stared at Steven, wide-eyed, trying to make sense of his explanation. This didn't sound like whatever Nova had said about fate and whatnot. How could Steven have memories about being dead? "How? But..." He shook his head. His mind spun with...
  8. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    A small knot formed in Koa's chest at the memory, and for a brief moment he tensed almost reflexively before relaxing. It was over now, so it didn't matter anymore. "We saw a vision of Alex. And we were in some kind of... misty place. We fought him with Radiance to destroy him. It felt like...
  9. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    Aqua. Kyogre. Like Laura mentioned. And Steven had helped stop it, same as his world. More humans, more legendaries, always the same story. Always the same ending. "Yeah he is," he replied, relieved to at least have some good news. How bad had the situation been on Steven's world? "But he...
  10. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    Koa stared at Steven for a long moment, his expression blank. "You're..." His eyes widened. "Oh." His surprise was replaced by confusion as he stared at Steven. "Wait why hide that? That's sick! You're a champion!" There was no way this was his world's Steven Stone, but the notion that another...
  11. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    For a moment, Koa couldn't help but wonder if that could work for him. Go out somewhere and... well, do something. He wasn't sure what yet, but the fact that it seemed a lot of other's on the team had already evolved still annoyed him. Still he was happy for Steven. "Congratulations on that by...
  12. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    "Oh." Koa could hardly blame Steven, cosidering how many times he'd either wanted space or to be left alone. Steven leaving had awoken a strange feeling in Koa but at least understanding why eased it. Steven hadn't left he'd just wanted time to think. Maybe it was a good thing he hadn't gone...
  13. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    A prickle of apprehension ran through Koa as he followed Steven up to the rooftop. The walk had given him a moment to think, and he remembered now the note Steven left, and looking for him, only to turn back. Maybe if he'd gone looking for him... the memory also brought a faint ache back. He...
  14. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    Koa felt like he was both walking on air and quicksand all at once as he left Sybil's workshop. His body still felt like he'd sprinted halfway across Sinnoh, but his mind was practically buzzing. Cured. He was cured. And even if their first try with Leona hadn't worked, they at least had a way...
  15. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    Indecision ate at Koa as he considered what Sinopa said. She was right, the Relic was more than a resource to be used. But they couldn't ignore the shadowed pokemon either. Maybe he could ask Sinopa about it more later, or even Luz... Koa finally pushed himself to his paws as Leona arrived...
  16. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    Worry tugged at Koa. Steven seemed... troubled. But whatever it was probably was private. He didn't want to bother him for now. "What else do you know of relics like these?" Koa mused. He stared intently at the stone, contemplating what he could remember of saints here and what Sybil had said...
  17. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    Could this really be it? Had they actually found the key to saving the shadow Pokemon? Hope blotted out his tiredness for the moment. "We have to try and help her," Koa said firmly. "If she wants to try," he added quickly. Having even the minor infection had been terrible, he couldn't imagine...
  18. Tetra

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    Koa nodded in agreement. Probably best to let her have some space anyway. "Yeah. Hopefully Sybil's found something that works." The other option was far worse, and he wasn't sure how he'd even begin to handle the idea of not finding a cure. And what is Alex had gotten to Mhynt? Pushing the...
  19. Tetra

    Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

    "Then there is a chance still, a good one. He might be getting stronger now but even with just half of us protecting the prisoners, we drove him back." Maybe it wasn't much, but it was something then. It was proof that Alex couldn't just do whatever he wanted here. Proof that his control could...
  20. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    The horrid spectre of Alex faded and they were back, back with Sybil, back with the team. Except the room felt like it was spinning for a moment, or maybe he was. He thought he heard voice from the others, but the sound of his heart blotted it out. He couldn't stop staring at the spot where that...
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