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Search results

  1. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    Koa's body spasmed as the bolts struck him. A hiss of pain escaped his jaws but he shook it off with a snarl. He refused to let the taunts get under his skin. He didn't need to see Betel face to face. "No face? Is that the best you can do?" More light, concentrated, charging through him. He was...
  2. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    Hope flared in him. The friendly voice felt like a soothing balm from the other Manectric's chilling voice, and he focused on that, blotting out all else. Still bristling, Koa gave a derisive snort as he glared at his opponent. "A deal to be a servant of a glorified egomaniac? Yeah sounds real...
  3. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    He had considered the possibility, more than once, but he'd put it behind him. Tried to forget. Convinced himself he'd likely never see the other Manectric again. Never have to hear that voice. Get a grip. He could handle Ein. He was stronger than last time they met, and he'd trained...
  4. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    Koa stifled a growl of frustration. Not at Luz, but the idea. He knew Luz had a point, it wasn't like one could do whatever they wanted without risking consequences. "Evil doesn't stop until it gets stopped. There's always someone with some kind of power trying to hurt others. I don't think its...
  5. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    No. No no it can't be- Icy chills swept over him, penetrating him to the bone. Ein's words seeped into his thoughts like cold sludge, pushing out everything else. Last encounter- Attacking Mhynt. Turning on the team. . His breathing accelerated. He couldn't move, couldn't fight. This couldn't...
  6. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    It had to be enough it had to- It wasn't. Idiot. He'd miscalculated. Mistimed. Thought he could bring down or at least stun the Charizard enough and then get off in time. He did end up getting off, just not the way he hoped. Icy water soaked his fur a split second before an overwhelming blast of...
  7. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    The sight of the overgrown void Charizard sent chills all down Koa's spine, and for a half second, he was frozen, his paws locked in place. This was far worse than the Thing that attacked the wagon or that had chased them out of the quarry before. Then he shook himself. Determination replaced...
  8. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    "So Cyclone and Twilight are legends of pettiness and property destruction?" he snarked, unable to resist. He sounded more good natured than argumentative though. He'd heard that they'd been able to help Twilight and for now the Cylone wasn't a probably so he wasn't too upset. For another few...
  9. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    He hadn't expected Jade to follow his lead, but having her with him made him feel better. For all of maybe ten seconds. The sight of Charizard's scales turning bright orange as he clung to its back send a flash of panic through him. "Douse him!" he called to Jade frantically. Maybe now was a...
  10. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    At least some Saints still cared about their power and how it was wielded. The thought gave him a flicker of hope, that there would be other Saints who cared about protecting and having a level head. "That's something I've been curious about," admitted Koa. He tried to think of tactful way to...
  11. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

    Koa took an ultra ba, tucking it into his jacket, and grinned back at Silver. "Just like back home," he said casually. Aside from the shadow dungeon void Charizard thing bit. But he could handle this. He'd heard from the others the state Owen was in now, and he was not looking forward to...
  12. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    It was now or never. There was only so much he could do against a mobile aerial foe (he really needed to work on that) from this vantage point. A good couple blows to the wings and maybe head, and he could try and ground the Charizard and even the odds. He took a split second to gather himself...
  13. Tetra

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    Koa had been all too eager to accept the offer to meet again with Luz, even with all his straggling doubts. Plus, it was a chance to learn more about this world. He waved discreetly to Bosque and Nube before turning his attention back to Luz. "Do you think he made a mistake to chose you?" he...
  14. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    "Thanks," Koa said breathlessly to Sinopa. Magnet Rise had been something he'd meant to work on but never made much progress, and he wasn't entirely sure he wanted to risk the consequences of failing to do it right. He glanced over, relieved to see Jade as well. At least he wouldn't have to face...
  15. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    Koa leaned out, trying to catch of glimpse of whatever was out there. It sounded like two somethings? Maybe something that could fly. But who- A yelp slipped from him as a powerful wind swept him off is feet and over the edge. With a panicked cry he scrambled midair, barely grabbing the edge...
  16. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    Koa's head whipped around in surprise. He'd been so focused on watching for any intruders he hadn't been expecting the ethereal Espeon. "Oh hey Sinopa. Yeah I-" His voice fell off as something in the distance caught his eye. He narrowed his gaze. A trick of the light? Or something else? "Did...
  17. Tetra

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    A stakeout sounded like a nice change of pace, and a good way to lend a helping paw. Plus ever since he'd become a pokemon, he'd found his senses to be pretty keen. He did his best to push out any wayward thoughts and focus on the task at hand, keep his nose and eyes on the landscape below. The...
  18. Tetra

    Art Gallery

    "No matter what happens, I'm glad we met..."
  19. Tetra

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    Excitement sparked in Koa's eyes, but he tempered himself. "It's really interesting. A lot of Saints are similar to ones back home in species, but their demeanor and the way people see them is completely different. There's a Saint called the Stormbringer, I actually went to visit a shrine to...
  20. Tetra

    Frontier Town Sand Veil Archives

    "Thank you," Koa said softly. Even if it amounted to nothing, he felt like he needed to try. Drapion was just another innocent... Just knowing he was still there would help. "I appreciate it." It was something. A long shot, but still something. "Whatever we learn, we'll have to fight him soon...
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