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Search results

  1. K'yoril

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Not my favorite eeveelution. I prefer the Johto ones Vaporeon and Lefeon
  2. K'yoril

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I like the line, but Croconaw is not my favorite of them.
  3. K'yoril

    Ok. Let me know if you find it.

    Ok. Let me know if you find it.
  4. K'yoril

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Polar bears are great swimmers if I remember correctly. The tuft kinda threw me, and I haven't really been all that interested in it since I noticed that. Its just... Awkward.
  5. K'yoril

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

  6. K'yoril

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I rather like Elgyem, but not really Beeheyem.It looks weird. It took me a long time to figure out that Egyem's eyes weren't teeth...
  7. K'yoril

    Any luck?

    Any luck?
  8. K'yoril

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    Lum please
  9. K'yoril

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I don't really like Geodude, simply because of all the memories.
  10. K'yoril

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    Catch please.
  11. K'yoril

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    Yes please!
  12. K'yoril

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Eh. Its looks alrigt, but I've never used one so I don't know how it'd hold up in battle or anything.
  13. K'yoril

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Its pretty cool, I like it the same as Cradily, but they're both just alright. I prefer Aerodayctl and Kabutops.
  14. K'yoril

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    No thanks
  15. K'yoril

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn The fact that there might in fact be shinies at the sea shore excites Kerroi, and he squawks out a quick response bedore swooping east at a much greater speed. "Dere is shinies at water? Faster go now!" The bird becomes a speck against the sky as he puts distance...
  16. K'yoril

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Seviper's pretty cool. I'm nit sure whather ai like it or Zangoose more though. I like both quite a bit. I find it interesting that even though they're mortal enemies, they can somehow mate.
  17. K'yoril

    No problem. Good luck.

    No problem. Good luck.
  18. K'yoril

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    No thanks.
  19. K'yoril

    I'll wait for a little while longer. There's still a decent chance you'll find it.

    I'll wait for a little while longer. There's still a decent chance you'll find it.
  20. K'yoril

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn "Big water bad! Dere no are shinies! Kerroi no cross big water!"
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