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Search results

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    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Alakazam is awesome. Gotta love his stashe.
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    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Xatu's really cool, never trained one though I think I seriously considered using it in Heart Gold but already felt too attached to the Noctowl I had. Either way I like its Native American inspiration.
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    Super Smash Bros 4

    It's already been confirmed that all characters will be both Wii U and 3DS. Only stuff like stages will vary between versions. Either way I like the inclusion of Rosalina.
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    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I think the red is great for Krookodile. Maybe not a lot of sense but definitely feel it gives an extra oomph to an already cool-looking design.
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    Anyone ever played any of the hacks?

    I've played hacks before, though not in a long while. Volt White was the most recent one I played I think, and Flora Sky before that. I also remember playing ShinyGold. There's been more but I don't remember the details on any others.
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    What Are You Thankful For?

    For cats and guinea pigs easily. And my family, and anyone who I can trust.
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    Super Smash Bros 4

    I don't see any other Sonic characters getting in as playable characters, with there being so few 3rd party slots I doubt they'd want to use another one of them on the same franchise.
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    How many of the songs on this list do you know all the lyrics to?

    I know the We Didn't Start the Fire lyrics but that's it really. I'm pretty bad with music. I'm that way with US Presidents, can recite them all in order in less than a minute.
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    What's Your Favorite Pokémon?

    Re: What's Your Favorite Pokèmon? Probopass - Hence username. Love it for pretty much the same reason most hate it, cause it's so bizarre. Dedenne and Swinub are the closest thing we have to guinea pigs (though neither quite are) so I like them a lot. Also like Ninetales, Gengar, Kyogre...
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    Absurdly lucky/unlucky moments

    Lucky: In Pearl, finding a shiny Steelix and shiny Whiscash in the same day. Unlucky: In Heart Gold, I encountered a shiny Seviper in the Safari Zone. It fled. The only shiny I've encountered but didn't catch.
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    Hello there.

    Hi, I'm Probo and lurked around Pokemon sites like this one many years ago. I suddenly remembered this site and felt like joining the forums since I see it's active but not extremely active. I like Pokemon, other Nintendo stuff, guinea pigs, animals as a whole, Muppets, Futurama, and various...
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