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Search results

  1. Chibi Pika

    Novelux Copperridge Wharf

    Jam let out a dismissive snort but didn't respond to Leaf's pressing. After the follow-up question, Phillip nodded fervently and pumped a fist. "Boss Buck's the strongest mon here. Looks out for us an' makes sure the company treats us right!" She glanced back at Whistler questioningly...
  2. Chibi Pika

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    Sage nodded along with Nova's words. "The air, the light, they feel good." The chimera closed their eyes for a moment, experimentally letting their crest fan out the same way before glancing down at their crumpled neck feathers. "Probably, I will need help..." But then their eyes lit up, as...
  3. Chibi Pika

    Novelux Copperridge Wharf

    Heracross nodded along with Laura's introduction before thrusting a claw in the air as if to show off how big her arm was. "Phillip! And this here's Piston"--she gestured first to the shy Gigalith before motioning to Raboot--"and Jam--" "Hol' up," Raboot Jam said, peering at Jade...
  4. Chibi Pika

    Novelux Copperridge Wharf

    Gigalith turned their head in surprise, their body segments making a low rocky grinding sound with the motion. Raboot leaned against the rock-type's side and said, "Mm, that job. A right pain, that one." Heracross tilted her head. "If you're lookin' for someone, you best head down to the...
  5. Chibi Pika

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    Sage blinked a few times, as if processing that they'd managed to hold both shadows and light at bay for now. The chimera's posture was still tightly focused, and it would probably take a while for them to keep hold of the energies without a tight focus... but for now, all was calm as they...
  6. Chibi Pika

    Novelux Copperridge Wharf

    Jade adjusted her shoulder strap. "That's my best guess, anyway. The ticket station didn't have any info, so... I'm hoping the guys who actually had to deal with the cleanup will know more." If they found the right guys. "Honestly, I was just trying to get somewhere safe," Jade admitted...
  7. Chibi Pika

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    Sage's hurried breaths slowed until they were breathing in unison with Nova. In... out. In... out. An ear flicked toward Gladion. Sage lifted their head to look around slowly, considering. The rivers of gold trailing down their plumage had lessened, just a slow trickle. "The lavender plants...
  8. Chibi Pika

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    Sage glanced from Nova to Gladion to Laura, their face fully visible for the first time. The chimera's expression was fairly neutral--they probably hadn't had much experience with visibly emoting at all, not when their face had been hidden for so long--but their eyes told a different story...
  9. Chibi Pika

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    The low hum grew steadily louder, as light spilled out across the surface of the mask, bit by bit, as if it were shining through the ceramic. Sage caught sight of Nova's shimmering shield, and their stance relaxed noticeably, tail wagging ever so slightly in that way that Nova's sometimes did...
  10. Chibi Pika

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    Sage listened as the others spoke. "Feeling out my Radiance, that is..." It was easy to see the conflict simmering behind the chimera's mask--the conflict between suppressing feelings and sensation, retreating into a comforting void, versus feeling a rush of heightened emotion in a deluge of...
  11. Chibi Pika

    Offscreen Activities

    Lovrina has been complaining a lot lately about being bored, especially after hearing that Ein of all people was first of all not dead, and also going to tenuously ally with the Wayfarers against Alexander (for his own interests, of course). "C'monnn, it's not like I care what happens to those...
  12. Chibi Pika

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    Jade nodded distantly at Leaf’s words, then found the weight of all the muddled emotions finally catching up with her, and she sank against the Rapidash’s foreleg. “I’ll be okay,” she said after a long pause. “Koa’s right, we protected the stone. We should… probably take it back inside, and...
  13. Chibi Pika

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    Sage blinked at Nova, processing what he’d said. “The shadows distress other Pokémon, I know this. But, for me, they are familiar. ‘I want to be rid of them,’ is something I should think, but…” The chimera glanced at Gladion, then lowered their head slightly. “An outlet, maybe…?”
  14. Chibi Pika

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin

    Sage listened to the answers that the others had given. Losing control. Confidence. Strength. The chimera's talons clawed restlessly at the dirt. "For me, I feel… conflict. The shadows pull thoughts inward. This is familiar. The light is…” Now it was clear that despite the peaceful...
  15. Chibi Pika

    Ranger HQ Ranger Union HQ

    Ralsen closed his eyes, exhaling slowly, and for the first time in the conversation, it actually looked like he didn't have a smooth response at the ready. Maybe he was just used to navigating situations involving things that he'd actually done. "...I don't think this is going to go anywhere...
  16. Chibi Pika

    Sojaveña Wilds Brisa's Cabin
    Threadmarks: Ch06: Breakthrough [Sage and friends]

    A gentle breeze swept through the hills. Desert lavender plants swayed, and though their blooming season had passed, the clearing was still a favorite of Sage's. The chimera was presently seated low to the ground with limbs held close and eyes closed. Every so often, tiny blips of light...
  17. Chibi Pika

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    Sage nodded gratefully to Nova, golden eyes flickering slightly behind the mask. They paused for a moment and then lowered their head toward Luz. "Thank you." The chimera's posture was tense, straining slightly as they exited the tent, but underneath it, there was an undercurrent of something...
  18. Chibi Pika

    Novelux Copperridge Wharf
    Threadmarks: Ch06: Shipyard Rumors

    Jade stretched her limbs long and squinted against the glare of the afternoon sun off the impossibly large stretch of water that covered the northern horizon. She'd gotten used to the train ride from Frontier Town to Blaguarro, but that was nothing compared to the endless hours in a crowded...
  19. Chibi Pika

    The Forlasan Atlas ~ The Month of Spirits

    With the autumn weather growing cooler still and the nights growing longer across the Soja, the Winter Crossing marks the start of the Month of Spirits. Eastern parts of Landsverd might start to see snow. Culturally, the month of Spirits is associated with stories about all manner of spooks...
  20. Chibi Pika

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    Sage pawed at the ground, the tip of their crest flicking slightly despite the mask’s hold. “Stay focused, nn…” Their head lowered. “Head buzzing. Need to go somewhere quiet, I think.” The chimera took a hesitant step backward.
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