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Search results

  1. Koori Renchuu


  2. Koori Renchuu

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    9.8/10 VERY NICE! Has some variability in it! Kadish Gallery-Uru:Ages Beyond Myst
  3. Koori Renchuu


  4. Koori Renchuu

    I do so love Grell, he's my fave of the series!

    I do so love Grell, he's my fave of the series!
  5. Koori Renchuu

    Bands/groups you've seen live?

    I still like it to a certain point. Oh I've also seen Taiko Project.
  6. Koori Renchuu

    Bands/groups you've seen live?

    Shania Twain. That is all.
  7. Koori Renchuu

    Creepiest Song?

    ME TOO!
  8. Koori Renchuu

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    6.5/10 Not my style of music, but it does have many redeeming qualities. Embrace the Holy Pain-Lux-Pain
  9. Koori Renchuu

    Creepiest Song?

    How was I being rude? I should have not used roundabout ways of communication.
  10. Koori Renchuu

    Creepiest Song?

    I didn't find it creepy is what I meant. Sorry for not spelling it out.
  11. Koori Renchuu

    Creepiest Song?

    No, no you don't! I kinda like that song!
  12. Koori Renchuu

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    4.2/10 Very little variety, too cliche and over all too heavy. Soul Requiem - Lux Pain
  13. Koori Renchuu

    Creepiest Song?

    Handlebars By the Flobots.
  14. Koori Renchuu

    Butter or margarine?

  15. Koori Renchuu

    World Conference (APH Fan Club)

    How the fuck did my avatar become a member? He's not even in the series or related to it.
  16. Koori Renchuu

    DSi GET!

    THAT'S RIGHT! I finally got access to my work bank account and bought one! I feel AMAZING!
  17. Koori Renchuu

    World Conference (APH Fan Club)

    May I just say PASTAAAAAA~
  18. Koori Renchuu


    I'd like to be sorted, oh great piece of enchanted fabric!
  19. Koori Renchuu

    Holy Hell, I didn't know you were back! Have some gryphnip!

    Holy Hell, I didn't know you were back! Have some gryphnip!
  20. Koori Renchuu

    Update Pokemon Cries?

    HOLY HELL FLUFFYGRYPHON'S BACK! *Throws some gryphnip!* But yes I do agree on updating the older cries.
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