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Search results

  1. Bonkenhi

    Hello fellow English person.

    Hello fellow English person.
  2. Bonkenhi

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    I lol'd at that. XD Awesome joke you have there.
  3. Bonkenhi

    No, Team Rocket never go for the obvious. Their latest plan was to chase it with an army of...

    No, Team Rocket never go for the obvious. Their latest plan was to chase it with an army of paper aeroplanes.
  4. Bonkenhi

    That is pretty odd. Not creeped out yet.

    That is pretty odd. Not creeped out yet.
  5. Bonkenhi

    Well, you see, you have to make it want to travel with you. By giving it nicer food than the...

    Well, you see, you have to make it want to travel with you. By giving it nicer food than the tinned brand it normally has.
  6. Bonkenhi

    Sadly, I forgot most my french after the exam. ;_;

    Sadly, I forgot most my french after the exam. ;_;
  7. Bonkenhi

    Strangly, no, this is not as weird as about 30% of my conversations. About 5% of my...

    Strangly, no, this is not as weird as about 30% of my conversations. About 5% of my conversations creep me out a little.
  8. Bonkenhi

    Oh wow you're in Japan? That is awesomely awesome.

    Oh wow you're in Japan? That is awesomely awesome.
  9. Bonkenhi

    ...umm... they're not exactly in one piece after that radiation thing. They have mutated and you...

    ...umm... they're not exactly in one piece after that radiation thing. They have mutated and you have 4124 of them. Have a nice day.
  10. Bonkenhi

    ;_; Okay, I lied. If you need help with actual inventions and stuff, Mil's the expert. D=

    ;_; Okay, I lied. If you need help with actual inventions and stuff, Mil's the expert. D=
  11. Bonkenhi

    Oh. This is difficult. Ummm... sonic screwdriver? Maybe it might work?

    Oh. This is difficult. Ummm... sonic screwdriver? Maybe it might work?
  12. Bonkenhi

    How tall are you?

    Originality Points -10, since there's a weight thread. Pretty much the same, instead of saying your weight, you say your height. Me first. I'm a pretty short 5 foot 8.
  13. Bonkenhi

    Then you need a bomb. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IjWTNia_xA Random YouTube Bomb thing time.

    Then you need a bomb. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IjWTNia_xA Random YouTube Bomb thing time.
  14. Bonkenhi

    What would you do if you were terminally ill?

    Actually perform some of Neg's urban sports. Depending on if I feel like I really have nothing to lose or not... I may do an incredibly evil act. XP
  15. Bonkenhi

    Ah. I have just the thing. This is a knife with a copyright logo and my name on it. Use it well. =D

    Ah. I have just the thing. This is a knife with a copyright logo and my name on it. Use it well. =D
  16. Bonkenhi

    Oops.... oh well. Gave you the wrong invention. Maybe it's this one... *innocent whistling*

    Oops.... oh well. Gave you the wrong invention. Maybe it's this one... *innocent whistling*
  17. Bonkenhi

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Had to resist laughter a little since the most recent 5 pages, but I've not laughed. Anyone care to change that? =P
  18. Bonkenhi

    Mil! I kid. Me, I'd say. =O With the doodangle here and the kingdigigel here, and that...

    Mil! I kid. Me, I'd say. =O With the doodangle here and the kingdigigel here, and that fuldamamamititic there... POW IT IS DONE. What? That's not what my tools are called? Well, that's what I call them. Because I'm technical. Honest. Try the Dyson-Poltergust out and see for yourself. =D
  19. Bonkenhi

    Um, well, I only have a Dyson. Still, it hoovers them up. =D

    Um, well, I only have a Dyson. Still, it hoovers them up. =D
  20. Bonkenhi

    And I'll get some Boos to help us. And tell them not to hide and take over the mansion, or I'll...

    And I'll get some Boos to help us. And tell them not to hide and take over the mansion, or I'll get the Dyson on them.
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