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Search results

  1. Ys_

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Woah. So, things happened. I wanted to say I didn't think that the redirection (Mr. UltraMeowth seeing Blu visit VM) was a busdriving power but that's already been discussed ^^' As for Zori's play I felt weird about her push about revealing possible protective/disrupting roles (if i understood...
  2. Ys_

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    By the way, did anyone visit RNP who could confirm his claim? Also Zori wouldn't it be in town's best interest to keep doc hidden especially given that they can protect prs like you? Unless you have some Big Plan or galaxy brain play that we're not getting?
  3. Ys_

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Interesting tbh- both the power and that you decided to reveal it this early Lmao. Well, who knows what's in this setup.. It may be too early to tell, even if someone did claim. Also I think it's a good thing that there were no deaths in the sense that whomever died, without previous...
  4. Ys_

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Good news guys no deaths 😮 I'll be nice to you! 🤗
  5. Ys_

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 Sign-Ups

    Yay! I'll be Nanu
  6. Ys_

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 Sign-Ups

    I'll join if there's still time. If not then I'm still available as replacement if needed ^^
  7. Ys_

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    Good game! Tbh it was funny to be able to open wolf and do literally nothing for a day. Idk what I expected but it wasn't this. Thanks for hosting RSP!
  8. Ys_

    for some reason a puppy 😁 obviously not lietrally but i see you as somoene playful and earnest ...

    for some reason a puppy 😁 obviously not lietrally but i see you as somoene playful and earnest ? and chill
  9. Ys_

    Do you play animal crossing? If so who is your favorite villager?

    Do you play animal crossing? If so who is your favorite villager?
  10. Ys_


    That sounds great! What role did you play in the fiddler on the roof? And is there another musical you would want to be a part of?
  11. Ys_


    What's your opinion on musicals? Do you have a favorite? You can also talk about musical movies here. I really enjoy musicals and I like watching them live. I also like musical movies, but it's not the same to watch a movie based off a musical than watching said musical live. My favorite...
  12. Ys_

    Huh so old tcodf games were more night-oriented? :o I think both ways can work but I enjoy...

    Huh so old tcodf games were more night-oriented? :o I think both ways can work but I enjoy trying to solve in-thread during day
  13. Ys_

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    lol :o
  14. Ys_

    Good luck! Just curious but were these your first forum mafia games?

    Good luck! Just curious but were these your first forum mafia games?
  15. Ys_

    Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

    For the future Hydre if you want to add flavor to the game you could ask the gm to add it to the start of day or end of day post! And yeah, like Storm said, me and other spectators/dead players were only watching and reacting to posts unrelated to the game itself. Except Jack because he had...
  16. Ys_

    Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

    I enjoyed the role flavours and just watching the game in general from graveyard. Mawile you're a great host and if you ever host again I'll join for sure :D I also really enjoyed watching VM get himself yeeted heh got everyone freaking out. gj town and bad luck maf :c but yay great game
  17. Ys_

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    :3 don't sad react uwu I know you were joking 😁 ❤
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