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Search results

  1. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    I think the way that M&F tried to bend what we were saying about Mera/Sande into a vote on Sande in particular makes them probably just town here
  2. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    I think sande looks good regardless but almost nobody said anything about Indigo the entire game besides people blanket-commenting on their non-existence
  3. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    I mean if I had to vote now I would definitely vote RNP I personally will hold off voting until I re-read the thread with the living people in mind
  4. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    we should still have checks time 6 hours left before EoD
  5. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    An outgroup gunsmith trying to hit mafia could make sense with Ultracool getting a gun
  6. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    I'm honestly sort of leaning towards RNP here There could be a funky outgroup role I also think that RNP's irl stuff could have gotten in the way regardless of alignment?
  7. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    I am Alexander Hamilton My name is Alexander Hamilton And there's a million things I haven't done Just you wait, just you wait The "was pissed off" in the dayphase is the notification that that player is silenced I was silenced D1 Wisper told me that they were silenced but didn't get sent the...
  8. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    Indigo is definitely mafia I've already posted my mafia-case on M&F in parts, I can try to officially towncase Qenya as well needless to say, I believe M&F to be the mafia between the two
  9. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    Zori sanderidge Mr. Ultracool RedneckPhoenix list of people who are alive, there is one mafia left if you caused the explosion you should probably claim it not that it locks you town because I think it's not impossible that it was caused by a dead townie's role
  10. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    sandeeeeee anyways I do think that M&F and Qenya being mafia together doesn't really make sense? i dont get why M&F would go hard on me/wisper/qenya being a team if qenya was mafia and hard-pocketing both me and wisper by the way, I was silenced on D1, I just lied that it was an inherent part...
  11. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    M&F is dead. They were very likely mafia. I think that, at the very least, Qenya was a villager. Qenya is dead. They were probably Angelica Schuyler. Wisper is dead. They were definitely George Washington The last dead person is between Sande and Indigo, and whoever's dead between the two is...
  12. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    not going to solve until tomorrow and we get more people checking in
  13. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    gdi Im having survivor's guilt now
  14. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    Wisper is definitely dead, George Washington I'm not teamed with her
  15. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    @Mr. Ultracool @sanderidge @M&F @qenya @IndigoClaudia post asap if youre still alive
  16. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    Re-reading these with the context that Hydreigon was already dead at this point in time, and the Mafia were the only ones who knew that it looks not good (Sorry Mera) I think there's a decent chance that this is the exact mafia team M&F I also think that M&F is mafia they possibly spewed that...
  17. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    This is why Mera voted M&F I can't deny that M&F would hop onto the thread consensus like this as town, it's not unreasonable but I vaguely feel like M&F is saying this while forming a plan about how to pivot when Sande flips villager, then thinking that town would make those sorts of plans...
  18. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    M&F STATED THE MAIN GIMMICK OF THE GAME IN THEIR OPENING POST, before I was squinting at sande for doing similar stuff ahahahahaahahahahaha
  19. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    If gunsmith is mafia, then Ultracool has actually zero reason to claim the gun if they're mafia They just stay quiet and use it as an extra kill the next night I'm mechanically leaning towards Ultracool being town off of this but obviously the whole thing is pretty shaky
  20. Zori

    Hamilton Musical Mafia 2021

    I think Occam's razor says gunsmith is mafia and thought that Ultracool would shoot a villager with it without claiming it or something There's also a chance that gunsmith is town and wasn't really paying attention to anything? That seems sort of weird though
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