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Search results

  1. welding_keldeo

    Presidential Candidates

    Well, I knew from my Civics class last year, but I mostly forgot. Thanks for the refresher!! Okay, I guess that makes sense. Yeah, I guess if we did it so the Presidents couldn't appoint new VPs and everyone moved up a position, that would sort of be chaotic... and unreasonable. I suppose...
  2. welding_keldeo

    Requests Open Sprites!

    Okay, so I mostly do splices and recolors, but if you have any other suggestions, post on this thread, please. I would be happy to do (most) types of spriting in my spare time!!
  3. welding_keldeo


    I didn't really have any dreams last night... Probably because of Hurricane Matthew hitting us today
  4. welding_keldeo

    I made a gif! YES!!! [IMG]

    I made a gif! YES!!! [IMG]
  5. welding_keldeo

    Yeah, it's a palindrome

    Yeah, it's a palindrome
  6. welding_keldeo

    Suggestions Taking suggestions for sprites to do

    What sprites should I do? I can do mostly splices and recolors, but if you want me to do something else, just request it! Make sure you specify which Pokémon to sprite with.
  7. welding_keldeo


    Okay, reasonable enough, I suppose
  8. welding_keldeo

    Go hang a salami! I'm a lasagna hog!

    Go hang a salami! I'm a lasagna hog!
  9. welding_keldeo

    You don't need to leave the DREAMS thread!

    You don't need to leave the DREAMS thread!
  10. welding_keldeo

    Presidential Candidates

    Okay, that makes sense, but what are the chances that a candidate would break mid-election? I mean, they probably wouldn't be changing their beliefs, it would be more like they are just trying to gain support. What do you mean by a candidate "breaking midday" anyways? Moreover, wouldn't the...
  11. welding_keldeo

    1,000 Things not to do on an airplane

    82. Skip your [flight] number for fun
  12. welding_keldeo

    You're Banned

    Banned because WHAT?
  13. welding_keldeo


    Wow. The only part I remember from my dream last night is that when my alarm sounded, I thought it was something else in my dream, but then I woke up to my alarm. I also have a slight feeling that it involved the Kings Cross station from Harry Potter, and my friend Evan was in it...
  14. welding_keldeo

    Presidential Candidates

    What makes you say it's the electoral college system? And do you think that we should do votes by overall percent, or keep the electoral college?
  15. welding_keldeo

    1,000 Things not to do on an airplane

    79. Look out the window
  16. welding_keldeo

    For renting Stryke's signature, can you make it this: (Since you put it up for rent) [IMG]

    For renting Stryke's signature, can you make it this: (Since you put it up for rent) [IMG]
  17. welding_keldeo

    You're Banned

    Banned because... I can't think of a reason to ban you
  18. welding_keldeo

    1,000 Things not to do on an airplane

    77. Say what??
  19. welding_keldeo


    Sorry, Espeon. I won't do that anymore.
  20. welding_keldeo

    As for a "dank meme": [IMG]

    As for a "dank meme": [IMG]
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