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Search results

  1. welding_keldeo

    I was just kidding, but if you really want to do that...

    I was just kidding, but if you really want to do that...
  2. welding_keldeo

    Ooh! Ooh! Can I rent your signature? PLEASE make it this: [img] [img]

    Ooh! Ooh! Can I rent your signature? PLEASE make it this: [img] [img]
  3. welding_keldeo

    You're Banned

    Banned because Scyther isn't you profile picture
  4. welding_keldeo

    Presidential Candidates

    Yes. But isn't that ALL parties? Okay, they're looking for a change. Yet... don't they all just not do anything about it? I agree. Honestly, third parties are definitely not going to be even close to winning this election. But they are closer than before. You know, the U.S. government was...
  5. welding_keldeo

    1,000 Things not to do on an airplane

    76. Eat more chicken.
  6. welding_keldeo

    1,000 Things not to do on an airplane

    72. Fight to start food.
  7. welding_keldeo

    Super Monotype Doubles Tournament

    Okay, I read it. When does the next one start?
  8. welding_keldeo


    Gee, thanks
  9. welding_keldeo


    Um... Wow... these are such strange dreams here...
  10. welding_keldeo

    Presidential Candidates

    Okay, that makes sense that the rules are set by a non-partisan commission. Makes it more fair. My community isn't exactly pro-Johnson as you may think. It's more like pro-Trump. YOU SEE TRUMP STICKERS EVERYWHERE. It's just that I sort of like bringing up the underdog in this sort of...
  11. welding_keldeo

    You're Banned

    Banned for not having Oscar the Grouch as your profile picture
  12. welding_keldeo

    1,000 Things not to do on an airplane

    70. Start a food fight
  13. welding_keldeo

    Super Monotype Doubles Tournament

    Um... I created an account, but how does this work?
  14. welding_keldeo

    What is TCoD?

    Okay! That makes sense. I was thinking it was this account for this other thing on Dragonflycave
  15. welding_keldeo

    Presidential Candidates

    I agree, I totally accept protest voting. I understand that. But the thing is, politicians are right (for once-I know, right?) that you are practically throwing away your vote if you don't vote for the major parties. In order for a minor party to surge, you're going to need the majority of...
  16. welding_keldeo

    TCoD Member Alignment Chart

    That's how I feel... WHAT IS THIS?
  17. welding_keldeo

    What is TCoD?

    Um...what exactly is TCoD? I sort of want to create an account...
  18. welding_keldeo

    I love your profile picture of the Great Forest Spirit!

    I love your profile picture of the Great Forest Spirit!
  19. welding_keldeo

    How do RPs work?

    Okay, I'll try it!!
  20. welding_keldeo

    You're Banned

    Banned because Stryke isn't level 100 yet
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