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Search results

  1. Stormecho

    Username Mafia 3 (Night 3)

    Re: Username Mafia 3 (Day 2) We... don't have that many leads. Or that many options, it seems, since... not much has happened and we can't even lynch an inactive player because there aren't that many of them. :/ Welp.
  2. Stormecho

    Yeeeees. Damn, now I'm looking forward to a RP that may not start up for a while! Shame on you...

    Yeeeees. Damn, now I'm looking forward to a RP that may not start up for a while! Shame on you, dude. x3
  3. Stormecho

    Woah, that is indeed a pretty cool theory. Though it's interesting that the Shade is a symbiote...

    Woah, that is indeed a pretty cool theory. Though it's interesting that the Shade is a symbiote or guardian or parasite... while Eris is independent completely. I have my own tentative headcanon of her actually being a Nightmare - thus the eating of dreams and the dread, which then causes...
  4. Stormecho

    You can't just mention something like that and have me not want to hear it. >:D Of course I do...

    You can't just mention something like that and have me not want to hear it. >:D Of course I do! Spill! I'm quite interested~
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