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Search results

  1. Objection!

    Make a Fake (Pokemon)!

    Name: Bruant Element: Fire Type: Pyromaniac Ability: Flame Scorcher (made my own) Height:2'03" Weight:29.6 lbs. Description: Bruant is yellow all over has a puny body with stubby legs and arms and an enormous head. It has an enormous mouth and blown-up cheeks. Inspiration: The name sounds a...
  2. Objection!

    So I can see it finished?

    So I can see it finished?
  3. Objection!

    Yay, thanks. Can you send it to me by any chance?

    Yay, thanks. Can you send it to me by any chance?
  4. Objection!

    That Doctor scratch you're doing looks great. Seriously i'd love to see it when coloured.

    That Doctor scratch you're doing looks great. Seriously i'd love to see it when coloured.
  5. Objection!


    What do you get if you ask a stupid question? Lets all have sex.
  6. Objection!

    Guy on YouTube with over 6000 videos of himself smoking.

    How many subscribers does he have?
  7. Objection!

    Guy on YouTube with over 6000 videos of himself smoking.

    um.... is that any good for his health?
  8. Objection!

    Shiny Eterna Forest

    Hi Crypt, can I request? If so, a Wobbefet standing against an enormous arceus which towers above it. The wobbefet needs to be using barrier and with its goofy smileon its face, thanks.
  9. Objection!

    You are a...

    I am a Wynaut lawyer who ate all his evidence and shares a box with a cockroach called Cindy and a prostiture Pikachu who eats her own ears.
  10. Objection!

    Requests Closed FOR YOUR PIXELS ONLY - Kai's sprite thread.

    Re: Kai's Sprites I love those overworlds but I know they are extremely hard and time consuming so could I just have a shuckle spliced with Torterra or Grotle? Great shop, keep up the good work!
  11. Objection!

    One-Shot Poe

    I like the story and its clever what you did, i'm not questioning the story but you really might want to check you spelling otherwise you are going to get some crap from some people here. I like it though
  12. Objection!

    Ever "caught 'em all"?

    I got all of them on Leaf Green, damn I loved that game, so addicted.
  13. Objection!

    Requests Open Burning Flowers: Flora's Sprite Shop

    Donphan recoloured and a Spiritomb recoloured green-ish.
  14. Objection!

    What Country Are you from?

    grr... damn scots.
  15. Objection!

    What Country Are you from?

    Don't worry Darkarmour i'm here. I live in Darkarmours town.
  16. Objection!

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Because british comedy is the best Hugh Laurie and Steven Fry FTW. also tenth.
  17. Objection!

    Requests Open DarkSmith's Sprite Manor 2009

    Re: DarkSmith's Sprite Manor nice new types. You missed a spot on that ashes arcanine. XD Can I have a heatmap Charizard, a recoloured Charizard and a neon (green) charizard. Thanks.
  18. Objection!

    The Spriter's Club Reborn

    Nice Ed sprite. Hmm... didn't see him as a persian.
  19. Objection!

    Who has missed school because of snow?

    We do in Essex. Way to much. Too frickin cold.
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