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Search results

  1. Objection!

    Happy Birthday Mike!

    I already wished him happy birthday before this was up. Happy Birthday Mike!!!
  2. Objection!

    Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

    Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity (Sprite Comic) Same with me...
  3. Objection!

    What battle are you in right now?

    Doing a really annoying fortune battle on PBR I hate them! They steal all of your pokemon and you get like a crappy mareep or Jigglypuff, that doesn't even know sing! Its my Glalie (mine) and a Feebas (his) against a Palkia (mine) and a Groudon (mine) well this has happened for the last 4...
  4. Objection!

    Happy Birthday Mike!!!

    Happy Birthday Mike!!!
  5. Objection!

    Word Assasination Game

  6. Objection!

    Legendary Pokemmon Stuff...

    Methinks that Arceus is a lot like our view of god, Arceus created ancient pokemon, (maybe fossils like Kabuto or maybe pokemon we've never seen before) Arceus then destroyed them and created Mew, mew then created all the pokemon. If they add any more "god" pokemon in later generations , i'll...
  7. Objection!

    Hi, as you can see I am no longer a newbie.

    Hi, as you can see I am no longer a newbie.
  8. Objection!

    Hi again!

    Hi again!
  9. Objection!

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    All of those brawl pictures made me lose, I always laugh when its to do with something I know well.
  10. Objection!

    Possible Generation V Pokemon in Next Movie?

    Yeah, I guess so... It would be cool though.
  11. Objection!

    Word Assasination Game

  12. Objection!

    YouTube Poop Fan Club

    I make it. Please, I love Youtube Poop, I gotta join. Plz? its all pokemon poop. 1.2.3.
  13. Objection!

    Rate the signature above you!

  14. Objection!

    Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

    Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity (Sprite Comic) Aww.... The comic looks like its coming to an end soon...-_- Am I right?
  15. Objection!

    Rate the signature above you!

    9/10 Very awesome. The best sig, i've seen on here (except the damn scrollbar!)
  16. Objection!

    Nothing box sprites~

    Re: Random sprite shop! Masquerain/Spinda splice please
  17. Objection!


    Errm... hello... Welcome to TCod, nice to see somene unique here.
  18. Objection!

    Your honour, this is irrelevant to this case!

    Cos it bounces....-_-
  19. Objection!

    Possible Generation V Pokemon in Next Movie?

    I agree with butterfree, its probably not gonna be a Pikaclone. But whatever the next movie is about and whoever stars in it, it looks really epic! Palkia,Dialga and Giratina rising out of the water in Greece = awesome
  20. Objection!

    Your honour, this is irrelevant to this case!

    Don't blame ya.
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