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Search results

  1. Ulqi-chan

    [Sign-ups Closed] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn

    Re: [SIGN-UPS OPEN!] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn I am sooooo sorry for the wait. You're accepted. Also, sign-ups closed, aside from the other reserve we have.
  2. Ulqi-chan

    YEAH DUDE. I've been caught up in it lately.

    YEAH DUDE. I've been caught up in it lately.
  3. Ulqi-chan

    [Sign-ups Closed] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn

    Re: [SIGN-UPS OPEN!] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn Sorry for the wait, res. Got a bit caught up in school, you see. But you're accepted! And guuuuuys we gotta keep this going We can't let it die D:
  4. Ulqi-chan

    Open Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn

    Re: Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn "Oh my gosh! Alexis! I love that name! Alexis, Alexis... I almost feel like I knew someone with that name. Someone other than you, I mean." She stuck a thoughtful finger on her chin. "Huh. Can't remember. Oh, well! Maybe I never knew anyone with that name...
  5. Ulqi-chan

    May I direct your attention to this since I promised we'd have something there. ... Or maybe I...

    May I direct your attention to this since I promised we'd have something there. ... Or maybe I didn't promise. But I am now promising, and I fulfilled the promise.
  6. Ulqi-chan

    Open Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn

    Re: Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn [[I know not everyone who signed up has posted yet, but I'm gonna go ahead and get this out of the way. c:]] She started humming a little jingle to herself as she walked along the streets, and it put a little skip in her step. Her tail danced behind her before...
  7. Ulqi-chan

    [Sign-ups Closed] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn

    Re: [SIGN-UPS OPEN!] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn Accepted! c:
  8. Ulqi-chan

    OMGGGG :D! Thank you! It's perfect.

    OMGGGG :D! Thank you! It's perfect.
  9. Ulqi-chan

    :D!! I might wait a little to post it, though, just so everyone else has a chance to jump in.

    :D!! I might wait a little to post it, though, just so everyone else has a chance to jump in.
  10. Ulqi-chan

    :D! I was kind of thinking since he was running away he could literally run right into Nikki and...

    :D! I was kind of thinking since he was running away he could literally run right into Nikki and she could be all like "OMG hey" and hug him or something. Not sure how he'd respond to that, but hey, it's up to you. :D
  11. Ulqi-chan

    I have an itching feeling that Nikki, once she meets Alexis, is gonna latch right onto him...

    I have an itching feeling that Nikki, once she meets Alexis, is gonna latch right onto him. Actually, I just had an idea for these two, if you're interested. :0
  12. Ulqi-chan

    [Sign-ups Closed] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn

    Re: [SIGN-UPS OPEN!] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn Accepted! :D
  13. Ulqi-chan


  14. Ulqi-chan


  15. Ulqi-chan

    Open Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn

    Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn Sign-Ups/Info Post Theme Song: The Others •~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• "So are these custom made, or what?" The man kept pulling at her ears as if he expected them to come right off--obviously he had never heard of personal space in his...
  16. Ulqi-chan

    Yeah! Of course you can! Having a tank pokemorph adds a bit of spice to the mix anyway. :D Go...

    Yeah! Of course you can! Having a tank pokemorph adds a bit of spice to the mix anyway. :D Go all out!
  17. Ulqi-chan

    [Sign-ups Closed] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn

    Re: [SIGN-UPS OPEN!] Pokémorphs: New Day, New Dawn Reserved. :D In the meantime, I've got the first post ready. I'm gonna get it up soon, and we can get started! Yaaaay. EDIT: And here it is! Everyone is free to jump in at any time. People joining up later can also trickle in as they are...
  18. Ulqi-chan

    AS I SAID. Optional. All good in the hood.

    AS I SAID. Optional. All good in the hood.
  19. Ulqi-chan

    :D! Well, it should be up soon so you'll have something else to do. ... UNLESS YOU WOULD LIKE...

    :D! Well, it should be up soon so you'll have something else to do. ... UNLESS YOU WOULD LIKE TO START IT? Optional of course, but by all means, you could. Eh heh heh.
  20. Ulqi-chan

    Kind of off topic, but, ah, I appreciate you sketching out everyone's characters. Like, this...

    Kind of off topic, but, ah, I appreciate you sketching out everyone's characters. Like, this makes me genuinely happy for some reason. :D
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