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Search results

  1. Ulqi-chan

    ; ;

    ; ;
  2. Ulqi-chan

    WE SHOULD GET KUCHIKI BACK >:(((( (But regarding SSS I will try my hardest to reply once my muse...

    WE SHOULD GET KUCHIKI BACK >:(((( (But regarding SSS I will try my hardest to reply once my muse heals up, maybe later today)
  3. Ulqi-chan

    Yaaaaaay I remembered that you graduated! |D Congrats, congrats, good buddy. You deserve that...

    Yaaaaaay I remembered that you graduated! |D Congrats, congrats, good buddy. You deserve that cap and gown, yo.
  4. Ulqi-chan

    Oh dang it I left again. :c I blame school. And Bray Wyatt and Bo Dallas. Forgive me.

    Oh dang it I left again. :c I blame school. And Bray Wyatt and Bo Dallas. Forgive me.
  5. Ulqi-chan

    Open Legends (Finally!)

    "You are a foolish girl," the voice boomed, causing the dazed human to jump. Clar shook her head half-heartedly, twisting her arm this way and that. The slash wasn't that deep, but still, it hurt. The blood had stopped flowing at this point, though the trails of dried crimson wrapped around...
  6. Ulqi-chan

    Hey, Dar, just wanted to say I'm not giving up on your roleplay! I kind of fell off the face of...

    Hey, Dar, just wanted to say I'm not giving up on your roleplay! I kind of fell off the face of the earth for a bit, but I plan on jumping in very soon, if that's all right with you. I'll make an effort to stay active for it, I promise. c:
  7. Ulqi-chan

    The "Fwee" Thread

    More smooth than I remember, even. :0 But then I got a retainer and now it feels even odder.
  8. Ulqi-chan

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Aaaaaand it's funny how I came to post here about braces and I see I'm not the only one that is going to get them off. But in my case, mine came off today! Considering I had then a few months before I joined here, that's a long time for me. It's really weird to feel my teeth again.
  9. Ulqi-chan

    [img] I believe we've both seen this before, yes? Either way, haaaaappy birthday!

    [img] I believe we've both seen this before, yes? Either way, haaaaappy birthday!
  10. Ulqi-chan

    Oh yes. I love me some Korn, yup.

    Oh yes. I love me some Korn, yup.
  11. Ulqi-chan

    (Open)[Sign-ups] Legends

    Name: Claribel Belgarde Gender: Female Legendary: Virizion Status: Running Personality: Clair is a tactful individual, full of class and politeness. She is loyal and friendly, and would do anything for the ones she is close to. However, she is also somewhat distrustful toward strangers, and...
  12. Ulqi-chan

    Allllrighty then. Thank you, sir. C:

    Allllrighty then. Thank you, sir. C:
  13. Ulqi-chan

    Hey, Dar, question about your roleplay—I might want to get in on it since I've been largely...

    Hey, Dar, question about your roleplay—I might want to get in on it since I've been largely absent from RPing here for months, and because you're the bomb diggity. So, regarding how the characters change forms from Legendary to human. Are there any signs of their Legendary form when they appear...
  14. Ulqi-chan


  15. Ulqi-chan

    I never have a choice. ;~; But ooooooookaaaaaaaay. I'll see if I can gather muse. For your sake.

    I never have a choice. ;~; But ooooooookaaaaaaaay. I'll see if I can gather muse. For your sake.
  16. Ulqi-chan

    Woahwoahwoah Hold the phone, bro Ain't no Roma gettin' into no BMA anytime soon She'll be, like...

    Woahwoahwoah Hold the phone, bro Ain't no Roma gettin' into no BMA anytime soon She'll be, like, the latest student ever. Like. For real. :|
  17. Ulqi-chan

    OH OH NO, BRO IT'S SO CUTE ERMAHGERD Thank you! I love it. 8D I'm super sorry about my absence...

    OH OH NO, BRO IT'S SO CUTE ERMAHGERD Thank you! I love it. 8D I'm super sorry about my absence. Really. I know I let you down about BMA... Urgh. I won't forgive myself about that ever.
  18. Ulqi-chan

    shitshitshit Life It just I dunno. I got caught up in school. And stuff. I'm sowwwwwwwweeeeeee...

    shitshitshit Life It just I dunno. I got caught up in school. And stuff. I'm sowwwwwwwweeeeeee ;;;;-;;;;
  19. Ulqi-chan

    I know I'm late But I appreciate coming to see that gif. Thank you~

    I know I'm late But I appreciate coming to see that gif. Thank you~
  20. Ulqi-chan

    Thank you! ^^

    Thank you! ^^
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