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Search results

  1. Ulqi-chan

    Hmm, hmm, indeed.

    Hmm, hmm, indeed.
  2. Ulqi-chan


  3. Ulqi-chan

    Why, thank you, love. I shall take it to heart. C=

    Why, thank you, love. I shall take it to heart. C=
  4. Ulqi-chan

    Yeah. ^^ Yoshi was very persistent for, like, a few months. (Okay, maybe just two. >__>) So he...

    Yeah. ^^ Yoshi was very persistent for, like, a few months. (Okay, maybe just two. >__>) So he told me more about it yesterday night, and I was all like, "WHY DID I MISS THIS FOR SO LONG." So I got my dad to take a look at it, and boom, I think I'm gonna get it in a few hours. Pretty cool.
  5. Ulqi-chan

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I'm getting Minecraft, I'm getting Minecraft~ Just did a crapton of work to ensure I have enough money to get it. Also, darn this man for reeling me into it. Darn you.
  6. Ulqi-chan

    Nah, I'm still alive, I think. No car wrecks yet, thankfully. ... OH WELL SEE, here's the...

    Nah, I'm still alive, I think. No car wrecks yet, thankfully. ... OH WELL SEE, here's the thing—I have two iPods. I lost the one that has all my music on it, which is an iPod Nano. I still have the Touch, lol. I THOUGHT IT WAS TOO. BUT I'M WATCHING ONE THAT IS $40 ATM BUT THAT PRICE WILL MORE...
  7. Ulqi-chan

    Sorry, dude, but there's only so much I can do. =P

    Sorry, dude, but there's only so much I can do. =P
  8. Ulqi-chan

    My word, I did it again. I really have got to stop this inactive nonsense.

    My word, I did it again. I really have got to stop this inactive nonsense.
  9. Ulqi-chan

    Blarg, you stalk my convos. Eh, oh, well. I didn't say much during it partially because it was...

    Blarg, you stalk my convos. Eh, oh, well. I didn't say much during it partially because it was hectic during the time and because, meh, I dunno. I just didn't. I still managed to cram some Tumblr in during that time, though. .......... Indeed.
  10. Ulqi-chan

    Just before you flip out, I haven't abandoned you, Yoshi. I just had a rough week. But in the...

    Just before you flip out, I haven't abandoned you, Yoshi. I just had a rough week. But in the meantime, should you get on again today, we should Skype and chat for a bit, and stuff like that. Because asdfghjkl. c: EDIT: ASDFGTGBH WHAT THE BALLS I FORGOT TO SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. ... So. Happy...
  11. Ulqi-chan

    It was wicked, dude.

    It was wicked, dude.
  12. Ulqi-chan

    Argaragh. ; ; Oh, well. At least you found it, right? Also that was beautiful, by the by.

    Argaragh. ; ; Oh, well. At least you found it, right? Also that was beautiful, by the by.
  13. Ulqi-chan

    ........ Yeaaaah, that sounds like a good idea. Maybe it'll refresh itself or something, I dunno.

    ........ Yeaaaah, that sounds like a good idea. Maybe it'll refresh itself or something, I dunno.
  14. Ulqi-chan

    ... ;^; Why is it that the Internet always hates me, then? It's not fair, goshdarnit. HMM...

    ... ;^; Why is it that the Internet always hates me, then? It's not fair, goshdarnit. HMM. SKYPE. BEST GO MAKE SURE.
  15. Ulqi-chan

    The Internet must just hate you today, Yoshi. D:> But fear not! It loathes me as well. Very much so.

    The Internet must just hate you today, Yoshi. D:> But fear not! It loathes me as well. Very much so.
  16. Ulqi-chan

    ! It didn't eat a post of yours, did it? Or is it just being, well, not good?

    ! It didn't eat a post of yours, did it? Or is it just being, well, not good?
  17. Ulqi-chan

    OHHEY There it is. :0 It didn't appear on mine either; I thought it messed up or something...

    OHHEY There it is. :0 It didn't appear on mine either; I thought it messed up or something. Sweet Brown pulled through! :3
  18. Ulqi-chan

    ... Yeah, personally, I dislike it. Very much.

    ... Yeah, personally, I dislike it. Very much.
  19. Ulqi-chan


  20. Ulqi-chan

    Yes, indeed! And my sirliness allowed me to view our conversation right when I saw your...

    Yes, indeed! And my sirliness allowed me to view our conversation right when I saw your response! As in, like, it just appeared there. Dude. I have mastered the skills of timing.
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