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Search results

  1. G

    Gary's Pixel Art

    A rock I did a while ago, which I kinda touched up yesterday. Still not happy with it :( A Giraffe I made to test out a new program. That's the reason for the strange colors - I was doing it on a black background, so they seemed lighter at the time. XD No excuses for the stupid-lookingness of...
  2. G

    Oh, Hi :D

    I'm not? Well, at least being mediocre is better than completely sucking? XD I was kinda exaggerating XD; Though I do have well over 10. It's hard to count cats, they don't stay still or in one place for long. Thanks for the welcomes :D
  3. G

    Patrick Swayze Dead

    My mom watches Dirty Dancing like 10 times a year. How sad. Though, at least he isn't sick anymore? He was looking awful those last few months. R.I.P.
  4. G

    Oh, Hi :D

    Hi, I'm Gary. You probably don't know me, but if you think you might, I usually go by "Kenji." I'm not so great at introductions, but.. I guess I'll tell you a little about myself? I'm 17, my first Pokemon game was Crystal, I stopped watching the anime when May & Max showed up, I've been...
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