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Search results

  1. Brigle Is Here

    Go away, header.

    Thanks, all I did was cut it from Pokemon Adventures. I think I'll make a more personalized one later on.
  2. Brigle Is Here

    Go away, header.

    Heh, that's the second suggestion I've gotten to look at ASB, so I guess I should read up on those rules!
  3. Brigle Is Here

    Anime-style battling you say? I think that's worth a look at--thanks for the suggestion!

    Anime-style battling you say? I think that's worth a look at--thanks for the suggestion!
  4. Brigle Is Here

    Hehe, thanks! It only took half a second to make, just cut it out of a page from the ole'...

    Hehe, thanks! It only took half a second to make, just cut it out of a page from the ole' 'Pokemon Adventures'. Togekiss' face was just too... something in that shot. I'm a little apprehensive of where I should check out next on the forums, do you have any suggestions? Where do you usually go?
  5. Brigle Is Here

    Go away, header.

    I think I'll post here, if only to make that notice on top of the page disappear. My username's "Brigle Is Here", but you can call me 'Brigle' or whatever you care for. I'm not sure why I'm here, but I'm here. Anyone have a suggestion where I go next? Or you can just say "hi" if you want!
  6. Brigle Is Here

    The header promises it's the last one, but I'm a little weary on that... People are always...

    The header promises it's the last one, but I'm a little weary on that... People are always telling me I should learn how to play an instrument, but I'm terrible at sticking with things; might be able to play 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' on the keyboard stuffed in my closet, though.
  7. Brigle Is Here

    Hey, thanks for noticing me! I was just considering making a post in introductions, but I think...

    Hey, thanks for noticing me! I was just considering making a post in introductions, but I think I'll sleep instead. You say you play bass? Neat.
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