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Search results

  1. Mercy

    Calling someone "sister" without being related?

    So a few days ago my mother unexpectedly asked me if I thought it was strange if you call someone who isn't related to you "sister" or "uncle" or even "grandpa" and "grandma". And, being from a small area in Alaska, I said no. I have a few "aunts" who aren't related to me whatsoever, but I still...
  2. Mercy

    Closed Warriors: Red Eclipse

    ~Warriors: Red Eclipse~ "When dawn becomes dusk Seven group together Then four will turn into one The stone will tell all As the moon shines down" "Wh-what does this mean?" a she-cat wondered aloud. "What is StarClan trying to tell us?" "Seven group together, then four will turn into one?"...
  3. Mercy

    Archery~ (And other stuff)

    During the past few months, lots of awesome stuff has been happening. :D I’ll start with the most recent. I found out that I got accepted to that boarding school I wanted to go to. I’ll probably be homesick for the couple weeks, but I’m sure I’ll get used to it. Not to mention I’ll have five...
  4. Mercy

    The IM Thread

    Okay, so here’s the IM Thread again. :3 For those who are new and don’t know what it is, it’s basically a thread where you can post all your funny IM quotes. So I’ll start off with this one: (A few of us were in a chat together and Cheetah stumbled across a weird ToA fanfic. So she was quoting...
  5. Mercy

    Back from the dead. o:

    Yay. I've finally decided to come back from the dead. xD I've been mostly lurking TCoDf for a few months. Maybe you'll still remember me... xD
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