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Search results

  1. Mir

    Hey~ The website I was telling you about is khimeros.com. :3

    Hey~ The website I was telling you about is khimeros.com. :3
  2. Mir

    Johto Mew Mew Power: Chimera Rising

    I agree! Bonsly~
  3. Mir

    Johto Mew Mew Power: Chimera Rising

  4. Mir

    Johto Mew Mew Power: Chimera Rising

    Name: Mihail Yevgenijovich Alkaev III Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: Calm, peace-maker bordering on pacifist, intelligent. Because of his upbringing Mihail finds it very easy to put on masks or play rolls. Grade Level: 12 Trainer Class: Rich Boy Region: Unova Appearance: Mihail's appearance...
  5. Mir

    Johto Mew Mew Power: Chimera Rising

    Here's Sapph's character application: Name: Theodore B. Kristofferson Age: 14 Gender: Male Personality: It takes a certain kind of person to have the name Theodore Bernard Kristofferson, and Theo likes to think he lives up to it pretty well. Theo is the kind of person who dances through...
  6. Mir

    Johto Mew Mew Power: Chimera Rising

    Thank you, and I'll let her know.
  7. Mir

    Johto Mew Mew Power: Chimera Rising

    Her username is Byzantine's.Sapphire.
  8. Mir

    Johto Mew Mew Power: Chimera Rising

    I would like to reserve Mime Jr. for my friend. She is currently without power and unable to post this herself.
  9. Mir

    Johto Mew Mew Power: Chimera Rising

    Could I get a reservation for Riolu, please?
  10. Mir

    Pokemorph Hunters

    Reserve Horsea, please
  11. Mir

    Wasabi! Hey!

    Wasabi! Hey!
  12. Mir

    I'll ask soon. Why isn't she going? @.@ She seemed really excited about it this morning.

    I'll ask soon. Why isn't she going? @.@ She seemed really excited about it this morning.
  13. Mir

    I'll ask soon. Why isn't she going? @.@ She seemed really excited about it this morning.

    I'll ask soon. Why isn't she going? @.@ She seemed really excited about it this morning.
  14. Mir

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I can't believe I didn't copy it down! It was right in front of me for like...

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I can't believe I didn't copy it down! It was right in front of me for like 15 minutes! -headdesk-
  15. Mir

    Wasabi~ What was the global homework? I never copied it down...

    Wasabi~ What was the global homework? I never copied it down...
  16. Mir

    Yeah I do. Mayor: Marlinda Duncanson Senators: Kirsten Gillibrand Charles Schumer...

    Yeah I do. Mayor: Marlinda Duncanson Senators: Kirsten Gillibrand Charles Schumer House of Rep's: John Hall (District 19) Maurice Hinchey (District 22) Was there anything else he wanted?
  17. Mir

    I actually love all of the Eeveelutions. When I was signing up I just thought that it had a...

    I actually love all of the Eeveelutions. When I was signing up I just thought that it had a certain ring to it that I liked.
  18. Mir

    Never been here before

    Welcome to TCoD!! I like Drifblim, too. I think they're okay. Fan fictions are absolutely awesome in my opinion. Do you go on fanfiction.net?
  19. Mir

    Mehwmew Enters.

    Welcome to TCod! ^^ Hope you have fun.
  20. Mir


    Hey, welcome to TCoD! I never knew about this sight until I saw my friend on it. And she more or less forced me to join. ^^
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