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Search results

  1. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Are you a virgin?

    ^ Yes, you do.
  2. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    haha! Guess my leather clad ass could'nt resist xD What's up?

    haha! Guess my leather clad ass could'nt resist xD What's up?
  3. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    CRUSHES thread [REBORN... again]

    ^ Reach out through your TV and see what happens ;)
  4. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Are you a virgin?

    No, I'm not.
  5. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    omg he's fixed?! OoO

    omg he's fixed?! OoO
  6. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    I'm back, let's fuck!

    I'm back, let's fuck!
  7. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    The LGBT Club

    ^ me either. It's always either one of those.
  8. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Hey man, what are you doing?

    Hey man, what are you doing?
  9. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    I see. Well, after slacking off so much a break is totally deserved!

    I see. Well, after slacking off so much a break is totally deserved!
  10. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    How come?

    How come?
  11. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    If you could kill any person in the world...

    ... who would you kill?
  12. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    OH MY SATAN that is just abuse! but why so early?

    OH MY SATAN that is just abuse! but why so early?
  13. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    I get out of school around 9 thirty O.0 Still have to get up at 6 in the morning to go...

    I get out of school around 9 thirty O.0 Still have to get up at 6 in the morning to go though... X.X
  14. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    Church, probably, but the law? That is just ridiculous.
  15. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Ha ha! I KNEW you would say yes to it! Leather feels nice, especially bracelets and collars...

    Ha ha! I KNEW you would say yes to it! Leather feels nice, especially bracelets and collars... Oh... ah, I lost my train of thought. Ah, yes! I will go to father´s house tomorrow! ... ^ o ^
  16. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    :sweatdrop: Thanks :grin:
  17. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    You win a cookie! By the way, you can call me Sandro or Sandy (ha ha!). and I love screwing...

    You win a cookie! By the way, you can call me Sandro or Sandy (ha ha!). and I love screwing... WITH LEATHER AND CHAINS! I think I have a leather fetish, to be honest!
  18. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    Exactly. I will not hold back if I love someone and if I am loved back. Why would we do that? We would just go on being miserable. Plus, Alexi is right. Gay sex is just SO AMAZING!
  19. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Hello there.

    Hello there.
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