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Search results

  1. Wyvern

    Wyvern vs. Blastoise

    That's fairly strange o.o Both pokemon.marriland.com and serebii.net have Role Play as a move that Riolu can learn. According to Psypokes, it's taught by the man in the lower right of the tutor's table in the Frontier Front. I shall have to investigate this, as Serebii is a veeery trusted...
  2. Wyvern

    Bank of TCoD

    $24 + $9 = $33
  3. Wyvern

    Wyvern vs. Blastoise

    According to the Pokedex, Riolu can learn it through the HGSS tutor. Unless we're not counting the newest games, in which case, poopy D: Although I guess it didn't matter anyway since Hypnosis hit on the first action. Great match Blastoise, a victory well earned ^_^ *holds out hand*
  4. Wyvern

    Wyvern vs. Blastoise

    Alright, get your bearings again by using Role Play and taking back your Steadfast. Once you're on the ground, hit it with Mud Slap, then hit it with a nice Sky Uppercut. Role Play ~ Mud Slap ~ Sky Uppercut
  5. Wyvern

    Wyvern vs. Blastoise

    Alright! You've got your Speed back, now confuse the hell out of that floating dinner plate by creating a large Substitute and dashing for cover. Once you're out of sight, perform a Swords Dance, though if it spots you, ruin its perfect sheen with the grinding dirt of Mud Slap. Before it can do...
  6. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    [PAINFUL 'HOLD IT' PW IMAGE] Well like I said in my original post, and I quote Don't get your underwear in a knot over what I'm saying, although judging by the amount of times you said "I", I'll assume that it's your opinion as well. Also, who's this "we're". What do you mean be "we".
  7. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    First of all it wouldn't force them to be married, it'd force them to declare themselves as a de facto couple. You see, it's not just married couple that would get affected. Even non-married gay couple would have to declare that they're in a relationship, thus losing the benefits of being two...
  8. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Gays have no equality here in Australia, though that's the way it should stay tbqh. We have an organisation called PFLAG (Parents For Lesbians And Gays) who are fighting for equal marriage rights. This is a stupid idea. Two gay guys living together as individuals get far more benefits from the...
  9. Wyvern

    Wyvern vs. Blastoise

    Sleep Talk spam! Sleep Talk ~ Sleep Talk ~ Sleep Talk
  10. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Eep! Meeting a guy today for the first time, I'm so nervous T_T
  11. Wyvern

    Wyvern vs. Blastoise

    Nuh-uh, no WAY is that floating dinner plate going to outspeed my little Rory! Show it who's faster with Vacuum Wave then try another Blaze Kick. After that, moar Vacuum Wave. Vacuum Wave ~ Blaze Kick ~ Vacuum Wave
  12. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    I come out to people I trust with no problems...mum comes out FOR me to people SHE trusts, but never asks me if I want them to know or not >_> At least she's supportive, as are all my friends. Even a Canadian one that said he was completely homophobic O.o
  13. Wyvern

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Ninjar presents owo I guess I'll change the name while I'm at it if I can, or rather just delete the nickname altogether. Swablu (M) Natural Cure Horsea (M) Swift Swim
  14. Wyvern

    TCoD Gift Exchange 2009

    Well, here it is then. I claim them for the good of...me O.o Thanks again people <3
  15. Wyvern

    TCoD Gift Exchange 2009

    Oh wow, I had no idea either owo *needs to look at the forums moar* Thanks so much you guys ^______^ So how do I go about claiming zem? O.o
  16. Wyvern

    Wyvern vs. Blastoise

    Alrighty, thanks for that, and sorry for the late postings too T_T I call back Bel and send out my last Pokemon. Come on out Rory! Right, this over-sized dime is going down! Start with a Sunny Day, get that rain out of your face. Then go for a nice Blaze Kick right in the "face". After that...
  17. Wyvern

    Wyvern vs. Blastoise

    .....Bel, amazing job. I think you've earned a nice rest. I hereby call back Bel from this match in order to send out my next Pokemon. (I presume I'm allowed to do that O.o)
  18. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    You look quite masculine actually ^_^ Can't wait till February 13! Epic "Meet the crew" day at Open Doors (www.opendoors.org.au) is going to be epic <333
  19. Wyvern

    Wyvern vs. Blastoise

    Right, you've done well so far Bel. Let's put as big of a dent as we possibly can in that over-sized floating coin! Alright, stop that Stealth Rock with Taunt now that the cauldron's stopped. Next, give an Overheat all you've got! Then if you're still up for it, go with Will-o-Wisp. Taunt ~...
  20. Wyvern

    Wyvern vs. Blastoise

    Great job Bel! We've got her on the ropes! Her Poison is still acting up, so if we can either survive a little longer or finish her this turn, we're all set. Now, hit her with something that she'll have a helluva time dodging, Swift! Just keep trying that until you hit. Remember you don't have...
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