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Search results

  1. Shadow Serenity

    Novelux Sparkwright Polytechnic

    Kimiko shot a side-eye at Dave; apparently he didn't feel the need to break the news lightly. Then she, too, rounded on Lucis. "You didn't intend for it to create statues of you?" She let that hang for a moment before continuing. "So, you said it lays eggs once it's filtered out... resources...
  2. Shadow Serenity

    Novelux Sparkwright Polytechnic

    At the sudden declaration, Kimiko's eyes widened a bit in surprise, her attention caught by the spinda. This was far from her area of expertise... but, well, perhaps that made her a better judge than most anyone else here? Watching Dave attempt to write was fascinating in itself, but she got a...
  3. Shadow Serenity

    Novelux Sparkwright Polytechnic

    "That's right," Kimiko replied with a nod. "And boy is there a lot to see!" She fanned out her leafy tail; perhaps, she considered, the sun had something to do with the spring in her step today. It wasn't like Frontier Town didn't get any, but she'd spent so much time either at work or going out...
  4. Shadow Serenity

    Novelux Sparkwright Polytechnic

    In the time since they'd arrived in Forlas, Kimiko had gotten quite used to the relative peace and calm that Frontier Town offered. So, in joining her companions in exploring Novelux, she found herself somewhat in awe of the drastic difference in atmosphere. There certainly still wouldn't be any...
  5. Shadow Serenity

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    Quietly, Kimiko watched as Luz lit up the entire tent, and listened intently as the legend explained the properties of Radiance. Most if this she was already aware of, but she found it easier to absorb this time. Perhaps not preparing to march into an enemy stronghold mere moments from now had...
  6. Shadow Serenity

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    Kimiko looked between Sage and Luz curiously, before addressing the chimera. "Maybe we could all learn together," she offered. "If you're worried, it might help to have others by your side, no?" She too nodded her head back towards Luz with a small grin. "And like Nova says, you're not gonna...
  7. Shadow Serenity

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    As he spoke up, Kimiko made to nod in Archie's direction - she'd known the name, but figured, like the Living Sun, the folks of Forlas probably knew it by a different one - but there was a note in Archie's voice that gave her pause. And not a moment later, he quietly excused himself. They hadn't...
  8. Shadow Serenity

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    Kimiko nodded solemnly at Seth, both in appreciation for his answer as well as acknowledgement that Tamuk was... no longer a concern. "Well, I think it's safe to say we're not going to be attempting anything like that. Sounds like... another legend I know of from the stories back home. Big...
  9. Shadow Serenity

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    Kimiko nodded back with a grin, her only response. It was a more hopeful answer than she'd expected, and she wasn't going to push her personal problems, not when everyone else was discussing more important matters. At this, the servine tilted her head. She'd had an initial guess, but that...
  10. Shadow Serenity

    Sojaveña Wilds Escarpa Clan Camp

    In a corner struggling not to lean against the cloth tent wall, Kimiko listened silently to Luz' backstory. She hadn't known much about the zeraora before being granted her Radiance prior to the raid, and there hadn't been a chance since to follow-up. But when they'd been invited to a meeting at...
  11. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts
    Threadmarks: Ch05 - All I Need (Kimiko solo)

    When the daytime sun retreated beyond the horizon, the Soja became shockingly cold, even without a breeze. No matter how many times Kimiko had wandered out here in the middle of the night, she never quite expected the bite. Still, this remained the best spot she'd found for those times she...
  12. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    Kimiko half-spun around to shield herself with her tail from the tiny glass shards flying her way. The second they stopped, she spun back around, making sure to stand her ground, despite Leaf and Tala taking up protective positions. She'd seen how Leona reacted to Sonora earlier... She stared...
  13. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    Whoever she was, the lycanroc was pretty distressed. Of course, not that Kimiko could blame her. But what could she say that the others hadn't? She took a deep breath and focused. Her voice remained soft. "It doesn't have to hurt all the time. We know there are ways to help deal with it." She...
  14. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    It was a good thing Silver opted to go in first, Kimiko thought. She visibly flinched at the sudden bite of the shadow in the mysterious voice. Silver also had the right mind to talk the... whoever it was down. She paused as he held up a claw. "Nobody belongs here," Kimiko noted, rooted to her...
  15. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    After thanking Andre for the defensive boost and then giving a brief account of what Kimiko could see, some of the party agreed it was best to check it out. After he and Grace helped calm each other, Silver slipped into the room first, ready to pounce on anyone who might be waiting; as a...
  16. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    The further in they pushed, the more shadowed the victims got. Somehow, Kimiko wasn't surprised. The 'mon in the cages here looked far worse off than those in the prior room... She noted the numbers on the charts. 'Units' must be however Cipher measured shadowfication. So not every 'mon...
  17. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    Kimiko paused her singing for a brief moment - Silver seemed to have picked up on it somehow, anyway - to snap back at Mav. "We don't need him to tell us anything right now, just get him out of here!" She turned to Reno, debating if she should say something. She was sympathetic to him, sure...
  18. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    Well, that certainly had not been how Kimiko had anticipated this break-in to go... had none of these people known what 'stealth' means? Her eyes landed on Sonora and Silver, and well, at least they knew how to hide when it mattered. As the smokescreen dissolved into the air and the battle...
  19. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    Anite wanted to talk to them, did she? Perhaps they could, but for what purpose? They'd already made their choice, and now they had to live with it. Grace looked to continue chatting with Reno. Even if she did get through to him, he probably wasn't going to be regaining his job any time soon...
  20. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Terminal Two Holding Cells

    Gods, what a nightmare. They thought it would be chaos to release all the caged shadows at once? With all the back and forth, it was already chaos in here. With the glow of Radiance having dimmed, having willed it to settle during the walk, it occurred to Kimiko that they were woefully...
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