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Search results

  1. Clio

    Nintendo World NYC

    I recently went to New York City, and had the opportunity to visit the Nintendo World store. I live near NY, and have been a few times in the past. As many of you know, it used to be the Pokémon Center; it was the last time I was in NY anyway. I took a video and also some pictures...
  2. Clio


    ^^ Well thanks. Things seem quite different around here now than I remember.
  3. Clio

    Affiliate Classes

    I think spliting affiliates into classes is unjustified. Everyone needs a fair chance in having their website noticed just as much as the next big Pokémon site out there. I just list my affiliates in alphabetical order.
  4. Clio

    Aaaaaaaand it's over!

    I remember that feeling; enjoy it while it lasts. Just remember that everything's a new beginning now full of choices.
  5. Clio


    Wow, TCoDF it's been years. I'm Clio, but many once knew me better as Pikap0w3r. I used to be a highly active member here in 2004-05 for awhile. I am indeed the webmaster of the one and only: Pikachu's Hideaway; a long time affiliate of TCoD. Well, I'm quite a different person than the young...
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