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Search results

  1. H

    Cheat Cartidges

    No. However If I had more money and more importantly if I wasn't so paranoid that my game would die(I know there pretty much risk proof now but I would still worry) I might have used a pokesav to make a competitive team. Also got a story. My friend brother used a cheat cartridge to make his...
  2. H

    How nerdy are you?

    <a href="http://www.nerdtests.com/ft_nt2.php"> <img src="http://www.nerdtests.com/images/badge/nt2/add1cc2ed06a8c50.png" alt="NerdTests.com says I'm a Highly Dorky Nerd. Click here to take the Nerd Test, get geeky images and jokes, and talk to others on the nerd forum!"> </a> It's not high...
  3. H


    I like it a toasted to a light brown colour and then buttered immediately so the butter melts into the toast.
  4. H

    Fictional Characters who you love for their Character Development

    Kryten from Red Dwarf He starts off so afraid of upsetting people and by the end of the show he can happily mock people and seems completly different but the transistion was so perfect I didn't notice while watching the episodes in order.
  5. H

    What do you want to see in the 5th gen?

    A Fire/Dragon pokemon. A battle frontier in the origanal pair of games. Event pokemon in games (I know it's not going to happen) I actualy don't want trainer customisation but pokemon customization would be nice. No version exclusive legendaries. A platform spinoff. All event pokemon...
  6. H

    Ever "caught 'em all"?

    No although I did complete the Hohen dex
  7. H

    Exam Nervousness

    I never get nervous before exams. However what I do do is after the exam is realize the answer to a question I wrote the wrong answer for and then worry I got the rest wrong. So realy I get nervous after exams.
  8. H

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    Before I was against a Gold and Silver remake but now it has been announced I'm actually quite excited. I looK forward to getting HeartGold (Ho-oh is my favourate legendary) and starting with toatadile (I've probaly spelt that wrong). I hope they keep Ho-oh and Lugia in both games.
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