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Search results

  1. S


    done a-ok with reviver seed- =M13PF 9TN0C# =38P53 -@Y&TJ NJ10Q9 X8RT#+ CPTY=J @-7YH- +R1Y&& any gummi for thank you mail please
  2. S


    done, and here is a-ok- MJ?0... MPWC*?1 QN7?4 ?WX?M ?+R...Q?XJ 8NTH? ?CX?X &13?R9Y? 5R0F* gummi for tym please this rescue makes me wanna go back to playing pmd1 xD i just do rescues on it now
  3. S

    What were you and your partner in PMD red and blue?

    treecko with charmander partner story and post story was a breeze. recruiting is a pain :dead:
  4. S


    a-ok with reviver seed #K#5H@ #@4H%S +6K3KC =R-&=J 79#2#X WP3-@J R-PC2T NMJ60W -&@+#N for thank you mail, any gummi will be appreciated here you go, a-ok with reviver seed 47557W YF3Q48 PNW87@ 5-F&MM &W+PQX &X9PM7 9FC+@P -X2+&W %NH53- for thank you mail, any gummi please
  5. S

    What pokemon would you be?

    i'd be a sceptile, jumping through forests is fun! Pikachu would be partner and we'd be call team speed since agility is awesome
  6. S

    Hi All

    Hi, I'm new here and as my name suggests, sceptile is my favourite pokemon! well grovyle is also awesome. anyways i like to play mystery dungeon 1 and 2 so ill probably frequent those boards most. nice to meet whoever reads these
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