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Search results

  1. Kistara

    Hogwarts Houses

    Hufflepuff, here. :3 Which also works because the best quiz I took also said I was in Hufflepuff.
  2. Kistara


    Well, last I had it checked I was 5'7" and half. Kind of awkward, really.
  3. Kistara

    The Political Compass

    Economic Left/Right: -8.12 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.38 Yeah... took this once before, not really surprising. I am majorly left wing. xD
  4. Kistara


    Hrr... I suppose heterosexual, although I don't want to ever have it at all. So I suppose mild heterosexual that won't actually ever engage in it because it disgusts me so much? XP However, I have been romantically attracted to one guy as well as a couple girls. It really doesn't matter...
  5. Kistara

    A pumpkin for a pineapple, and hello.

    Hello everyone! I found the main site via various quizzes and enjoyed them. Then a little later I found the HTML guide which has been proving to be *enormously* helpful. So I decided to join this forum. I admit I'm not nearly the Pokémon fan I was years ago, but I still enjoy a bit of it...
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