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Search results

  1. HenryWong122

    How many Pokémon can you name?

    All of them just by saying Ditto.
  2. HenryWong122

    Two truths and a lie

    It's number one. My birth name isn't Henry Wong and yes, I personally identify as an attack helicopter.
  3. HenryWong122

    Yes they are.

    Yes they are.
  4. HenryWong122

    Digimon club!

    Where is every one?
  5. HenryWong122

    Two truths and a lie

    1. I'm a girl 2. I'm 6' 1" 3. I'm a attack helicoptor.
  6. HenryWong122

    Yes I do.

    Yes I do.
  7. HenryWong122


    This is going to be my last post in here because I don't want to argue with a mod and get banned so I'm leaving this discussion.
  8. HenryWong122


    Double and Triple Posting is where you post the same post 2-3 times not when your replying multiple times. Why can't people understand that?
  9. HenryWong122


    I had a dream once where a guy walked up to me and said "Here's a touching story, you died and I lived happily ever after. The End!"
  10. HenryWong122


  11. HenryWong122


    My imagination. I'm joking you dummies.
  12. HenryWong122

    Two truths and a lie

    "For personal reasons." Right. Lilimon is the Best. Beelzemon/Lilliithmon is second. WarGreymon/BlackWarGreymon are Third. MetalGarurumon/BlackMetalGarurumon is fourth. Apollomon/Dianamon is Fifth HerculesKabuterimon/Gallantmon is Sixth. Kazemon/Mermaimon/Agnimon is Seventh. Guardromon/Clockmon...
  13. HenryWong122

    Two truths and a lie

    Yes it's 3. The Digimon Anime is better then the Pokemon Anime, the Pokemon Games are better then the Digimon Games, and the Manga & Card Games are equal.
  14. HenryWong122


    Well, when you dream of someone it means your attracted to them.
  15. HenryWong122


    Stop playing Luigi's Mansion before going to bed!
  16. HenryWong122


    I think that means your subconsciously attracted to your civics teacher.
  17. HenryWong122

    Two truths and a lie

    I've got a new one. 1. The Digimon Anime is better then the Pokemon Anime. 2. Lilimon is the Best. 3. I'm 80... Centuries old.
  18. HenryWong122

    Hi fellow Digimon FanClub member.

    Hi fellow Digimon FanClub member.
  19. HenryWong122

    Two truths and a lie

  20. HenryWong122


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