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Search results

  1. welding_keldeo

    What Pokémon/Type/Level of Obsession Are You?

    I got bug type, and togetic! I think my answers are way different from how I was years ago when I first took it..
  2. welding_keldeo

    What are you watching?

    Lately I've been watching more Youtube, like woodworking and the usual stuff like recipes. In terms of movies, I saw Borat pretty recently and thought it was funny!
  3. welding_keldeo

    Are ROMs and Emulation ethical?

    This is definitely not true, it is still illegal to pirate it. To make an analogy, say I own a Pikachu keychain. Swiping that same keychain from a store just because I already own a copy doesn't make it legal. Would I argue that it's okay to pirate a game that you've purchased? Yeah maybe, but...
  4. welding_keldeo

    Create a rainbow with Pokemon you like!

    That sounds so fun! I'm about to start Pokemon Sword, which starter did you pick? Here's my rainbow-colored team of six though (ROYGBV) I couldn't really think of a red pokemon I liked...
  5. welding_keldeo

    Musics that sound like each other

    Ooooh Ice Ice baby and Under Pressure.
  6. welding_keldeo

    What's Your Favorite Pokémon?

    Re: What's Your Favorite Pokémon? Alakazam. Easily. But mostly because I had a giant typo mistake in LeafGreen, I was trying to name my abra "Abracadabra" but I accidentally put in Abracadabt. Additionally, I realized that "Abracadabra" does not fit the spacing allowed.
  7. welding_keldeo

    Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

    Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type
  8. welding_keldeo


    Hello, I haven't been on in a while either... Kung Fu Ferret can probably tell you.
  9. welding_keldeo

    Lie About the Above Poster

    Is dead inside. Oh wait is that true? Has a life.
  10. welding_keldeo

    Tell Me Something That's...

    They have moss growing on them. Tell me something about Echidnas
  11. welding_keldeo

    Rename the Above Poster!

    Kung Fu parrot
  12. welding_keldeo

    Edit the post above you

    I don't understand this...
  13. welding_keldeo

    The silence game

    "tries to procrastinate on homework. Wait. I don't have to try."
  14. welding_keldeo

    TCoD creates a post.

  15. welding_keldeo

    Favorite Pokemon Cities!

    Celadon. I don't know why, but probably because it's one of the only names I actually REMEMBER.
  16. welding_keldeo

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes a singing duck that's waddling. In goes Rainbowdash
  17. welding_keldeo

    Edit the post above you

    The rock people are crunchy. Like Oreos, I bet
  18. welding_keldeo

    You're Banned

    Banned because... Harambe is an old meme
  19. welding_keldeo

    Trump's first week in office.

    Because of him blocking refugees from the Middle East, one of my good friends had a family member with trouble coming over here. It was his Uncle's wife's mom (his Aunt's mom). She had to cancel her flight over here originally, because of the executive orders that Trump used. Luckily, they let...
  20. welding_keldeo

    Requests Open Sprites!

    Okay, I've made Halloween Scyther. I was going for a Jack O'Lantern look:
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