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Search results

  1. bailey27727


    I have a great story idea and I was wondering if I should continue on with it. It's just a rough draft so don't freak out and be all 'It's crappy' but I could do with some help drafting... Long ago, in the time of the Renaissance, there was a man named Excalibur. He was full of blood lust, a...
  2. bailey27727


    Thank you all for the warm welcomes and I'll be sure to check out some of your stuff! And yes, I'm pretty sure in Japan Bleach is going on episode 400 something.
  3. bailey27727


    Hiya! My name is bailey27727 or my preferred Bailius, and I'm interested in things such as anime, fantasies such as Lord of the Rings, and creative stuffs. I'll probably be spending a lot of time in the roleplay forum because I think it would be nice to try out. PM me if you'd like to get to...
  4. bailey27727

    ATTN: Introductions

    Hiya! My name is bailey27727 or my preferred Bailius, and I'm interested in things such as anime, fantasies such as Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, and creative stuffs. I'll probably be spending a lot of time in the roleplay forum because I think it would be nice to try out. PM me if you'd...
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