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Search results

  1. Sacred

    [MATURE] Furry fandom

    Canz I join :)? I saw this club and knew, right then that it was for me ^^. I will hopefully be on some, but after school and such :).
  2. Sacred

    NavBar & Layout Help

    Kinda don't know if I have it now, but I'll rewrite it and post it here. It may have to be tomorrow, since it's kind of late here. But, sure, I'll post it when I rewrite it.
  3. Sacred

    NavBar & Layout Help

    Problem is, I will assign padding to it, the box gets bigger (which I don't like). I reduce padding but then the text gets too big. I just wish I knew how they made the padding and the margins work in a way to make them slightly spaced, smallish, and centered (as far as top/bottom go) in the...
  4. Sacred

    Hey There

    Hi there :). I'm Sacred. I have looked at this website for awhile, I knew I had to join these forums. This is a great website, keep up the good work.
  5. Sacred

    NavBar & Layout Help

    The navbar this site has on the Scyther-Style page is amazing. I was going to make something like it, but ran into many problems. I am not a "master" CSS coder, in fact, I really need to re-learn lots of things. I have been so used to tables, that I need to learn CSS-only layouts/design. If...
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