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Search results

  1. IFBench

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    "Sick fucks, with their constant surveillance," Arctozolt muttered. "Got 1984 going on around here."
  2. IFBench

    Official Actions

    Hello! I'm finally here for our review exchange, to review six chapters of your fics! I chose to go with Chapter 1 through Interlude of this fic! First of all, really interesting opening and concept! Six months for Red to find a new Bringer. It was really interesting to see Red being terrified...
  3. IFBench

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Arctozolt grumbled, then attempted to zap the Ferrothorn with a Thunder Shock.
  4. IFBench

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    "Take a wild guess," Arctozolt said. "The answer depends on what you mean by 'from', anyways."
  5. IFBench

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    "Why do you keep calling things uncanny as if you're a memester?" Arctozolt asked, tilting its head.
  6. IFBench

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

    "HEY!" A voice shouted, as a certain mismatch came into view. "What's the big idea here? Are you TRYING to give everyone in town tetanus?" Can Pokemon even get tetanus? Shut up.
  7. IFBench

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Arctozolt called towards Gladion, saying, "Hey! Don't let up! We're getting somewhere" "Hey, stickass!" she proceeded to yell at Watchog. "What'd Ignoramus do to get you to start attacking random citizens, huh? You two having an affair or something?"
  8. IFBench

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Arctozolt had been conflicted about the gala, in more ways than one. Both sides of them hated the mayor. Ignoramus lacked all the chivalry and charm of both N and Piers. But did that really mean they had to side with criminals? So they were outside, fighting to protect the civilians, one thing...
  9. IFBench


    Alright desert voice, explain. Why by Zacian's mane were we summoned here? And why us like this? Surely there's no Cara Liss here.
  10. IFBench

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

  11. IFBench

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    That was about when Arctozolt's tail reached up and smacked their snout. Instead of deciding to scream at she own ass, they shook their head, and said, "Look, maybe we got off on the wrong foot. Flipper. Paw. Whatever. What I was GOING to say is that maybe us three and Nova should stick together."
  12. IFBench

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    Arctozolt narrowed its eyes. "Zekrom's thunder, you don't have to be so rude," muttered the very rude chimera.
  13. IFBench

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    "Latter," Arctozolt said, stepping into view if they weren't already. "Two or more souls in one body. Or are you lucky and just the only person there?"
  14. IFBench

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    "Chimera, whatever. Multiple Pokemon mashed together into one body," Arctozolt said, looking over Gladion. "That sound like you at all?"
  15. IFBench

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    "You a mishmash too, like us?" Arcrtozolt asked, coming a bit closer. "Trying to get our bearings here, and you and Nova are the most like us we've seen here so far."
  16. IFBench

    Frontier Town Founder's Square
    Threadmarks: [Ch01] - Arctozolt and Gladion: Chimera to Chimera Communication

    Arctozolt could do without the stares they were getting. It made sense. They were a Pokemon that should not exist, and their top and bottom halves were very disjointed with each other. Nevertheless, as they entered the square, they saw one of the Pokemon they didn't recognize. A mishmashed...
  17. IFBench

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    "Alright, first up," Arctozolt began, as its tail was already rearing up to smack its snout again. "Are there any tra-" SMACK! As Arctozolt recovered from that, they grumbled, "Fine, fine." Then, speaking up, they asked, "What's this "Sojavena" like? Any places we should know about?"
  18. IFBench

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    "Look, it's not our fault that whatever brought us here threw us into that vault!" Arctozolt said, eyes narrowing more than they already were. "Naylene and Decibel. If you're referring to both of us, call us Arctozolt."
  19. IFBench

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    Arctozolt finally stopped bickering with itself, and turned towards the new arrivals, trying to not look out of place. They were failing. Badly.
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