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Search results

  1. Shiny Phantump

    Offscreen Activities

    (I could scene this properly if you think it’s worthwhile.) Gladion's interested in bugging Sierra about a few things. He suspects that current events aren't entirely unrelated to the entropic crisis. He's willing to back that idea up with anything Betel's willing to let him share from...
  2. Shiny Phantump

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    Gladion smirked at Laura with faux-smugness after Sam left the room. Hear that, Laura? I’m really figured-out. When offered, he gave Otto a fistbump. He’d already had his first Forlas handshake today, he didn’t need to get greedy and double up. Plus, it was important never to let the enemy see...
  3. Shiny Phantump

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    Gladion shrugged. "Ran away from a chance to have any power in my home world. I'll never get to make a real difference there anymore, but a life of politics would've killed me. Maybe I failed to be a 'hero' there, but I don't really believe that's possible." He paused for a beat before settling...
  4. Shiny Phantump

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    "Can't set yourself on fire to keep other people warm," Gladion said without stopping to think. It felt both automatic and strange to say, like he was flexing a muscle after years of disuse. (If only he'd been better at articulating himself when he was young. Maybe he could've made this point...
  5. Shiny Phantump

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    At least, in a human society, Gladion had been able to disappear into the general population as just one more person. "Fair enough..." Was it naive to hope they could excise the rot from the Coven's heart without destroying the chance for people like this to find community? There had to be. He...
  6. Shiny Phantump

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    "Hmm..." Gladion seemed relieved in a manner that was only partially inauthentic. His tone shifted to be cautious and measured. "We did get an explanation from them. It was a different one, kind of. Point being, I think I understand more clearly now. Thank you." He wasn't sure if he should add...
  7. Shiny Phantump

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    Gladion winced, squeezing his eyes shut like he could feel a headache coming on as Julius and Roscoe went back and forth. (Seeing the latter relatively composed was concerning, given their usual demeanour.) On a literal level, he wasn’t about to have one, but he already had one in spirit...
  8. Shiny Phantump

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    A faint amused smirk crossed Gladion's eyes as Sam almost mixed up his name again, despite his best efforts. He was generally safe behind avian expressions being difficult to read, but Sam might be better at it than average. "I don't mind telling you," he offered, "Just a story for another time...
  9. Shiny Phantump

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    A awkward sound between a sign and a laugh escaped Gladion. “Personally, uhh. Not actually gonna be joining up. Just here to help with the fight. I’d be…” What? You can’t tell her you’d be a bad fit for the security job. Can’t tell her about the whole ARK Unit problem. “…Out of place, I guess...
  10. Shiny Phantump

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    Faller… That word. He’d heard it before. He didn’t know what it had meant at the time, but Betel must have translated it into Alolan that way for a reason. It was someone who’d fallen in from another world, then? That… would actually make a lot of sense, given his father’s line of work. Great...
  11. Shiny Phantump

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    “Yeah, humans got hands. Guess people don’t try it with me anymore because I don’t really have ‘hands’ per se.” When Sam asked if he was human, Gladion looked away as if he’d been caught doing something wrong. “And, uh, yeah. Guilty as charged.” Was that a weird thing to say to someone Coven...
  12. Shiny Phantump

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    Wait, who’s Florian? It took until Sam corrected herself for Gladion to realize what Laura had meant. She’d said the name earnestly enough he’d not immediately caught onto her plan. Once he realized what she’d done, he laughed along with Sam. “Thanks for the assist, Laura.” Even if he hadn’t...
  13. Shiny Phantump

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    Gladion closed his eyes in a gesture that would probably look more like the concentration it was supposed to appear as if he wasn't talking instead of focusing. "I'd bet against you if it wasn't a conflict of interest, Laura. She's good at what she does. But I suppose if you have such faith in...
  14. Shiny Phantump

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    A certain nostalgia rolled over Gladion as Sam spoke. She reminded him of— of nothing. It was important not to indulge any trains of thought like that. It was quite possible he’d end up having to fight Sam before he could go home. And the comparison would be pretty condescending in its own...
  15. Shiny Phantump

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    Gladion didn't have to force the smile that crossed his eyes as Sam revealed the yellow flower. (He tried to remember what it was, but came up short. Lillie would've known...) Felt like a sweet, earnest gesture. It was dangerous to get emotionally attached to anyone in the Coven, though. He had...
  16. Shiny Phantump

    Landsverd Teardrop Station

    Gladion wasn’t going to let his guard down just because he was offered a drink. These may not be the Coven members who’d hurt Sage, but they were still Coven. That being said, he wasn’t exactly going to decline either. “Would appreciate a hot chocolate. I’m still a little chilly.” He nodded...
  17. Shiny Phantump

    Landsverd Teardrop Island

    Gladion stifled a laugh. “Honestly, that sounds pretty good as far as it could’ve gone, with someone that powerful. Worst thing’s some divorce drama and his kid? Could’ve ended up corrupt.” Were those buildings empty? He didn’t want anyone to see him here. “Speaking of corruption, nobody’s...
  18. Shiny Phantump

    Landsverd Teardrop Island

    Gladion’s eyes lit up. He’d let Jesse slip his mind, but it would be really useful to have him around. Which was probably why he disappeared. But the guy didn’t seem like a Coven member to him, he’d fallen in love and had a kid with Sierra, which stuck Gladion as not particularly likely to be a...
  19. Shiny Phantump

    Landsverd Teardrop Island

    A few moments after the end of the fight, Gladion stirred. He didn’t feel like getting up yet, but it seemed like everyone was settling down within earshot of him. “We made it?” Articuno seemed content with them, at least. They were still going on about stuff. The words ‘disgustingly mundane’...
  20. Shiny Phantump

    Landsverd Teardrop Island

    Articuno was getting used to dealing with his paralysis, it seemed. Fine. He'd just have to push harder. There wasn't much fuel left in the tank for him, but what energy was had left, he'd make count. He fired off one last bolt of light, stronger than any before it. He followed it up with an...
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