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Search results

  1. Wyvern's Sword

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    Tyrfing stroked the rim of his scabbard with his hassle, giving the impression of deep thought. "Carts can be drawn by forces other than living creatures? What a wonderful idea! I... Well, I do not suppose I will truly understand until I see it, but it sounds fascinating. Thank you for telling...
  2. Wyvern's Sword

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    Tyrfing's eye snapped open. Otherwise, he didn't move an inch, but his unblinking, one-eyed gaze fixed on the Roggenrola. "Pleased to meet you Aige," he said. His ghostly voice echoed from the passage of his thought. "It seems we are in no shortage of mineral based, monocular pokémon. "I...
  3. Wyvern's Sword

    Sunward Fort Sunward

    Tyrfing chose his words with care, for he knew not the seeming of his thoughts in this place of reverence. He wished not to conceal the truth, not to tell it. And so he chose a middle path, cleaving much to the spirit of the truth. "The world I remember long ago was very different," said he...
  4. Wyvern's Sword

    Sunward Fort Sunward

    "Do not worry, Stephen," said Tyrfing. "Today is not the day we die, and that is something to be glad of. I would not see you suffer for it." His voice was warm and calm. He tilted to peer at Stephen. "We are steel types, are we not? Let us not be shaken by uncertainty, but trust in yourself...
  5. Wyvern's Sword

    Sunward Fort Sunward

    Tyrfing did not flinch or wince. Only watched, and heard, and felt. It took all his discipline to remain still as a slither of charred fabric fell from his tassle. It was an odd sensation - not quite pain in the way that he had known it in as a human, but still intense and frightening. He was...
  6. Wyvern's Sword

    Sunward Fort Sunward

    Tyrfing tilted, sharply. His tassle billowed, dark against the crismon hues of dusk, and there was a long silence. Then he spoke calmly. "Slay me if you wish. I do not fear death. But know this: that no wrath nor ruin you could work upon me would be equal in scope, nor in spirit, to that which...
  7. Wyvern's Sword

    Sunward Fort Sunward

    Tyr rose up into the air so as to peer at the scabbard, his eye wide. "Aye!" He cried, "It gladdens me deeply to see it again, for it is a part of me. Now I will be whole again. Thank you, kind stranger." He twirled around in joy, upright on the spot, his tassle spiralling around him.
  8. Wyvern's Sword

    Sunward Fort Sunward

    Tyrfing turned, meeting Stephen's monocular gaze with his own. He floated closer, unblinking still. "Do not worry my friend," he said, "It is highly unlikely that the arrival of three strangers could warrant concern enough to disrupt training drills. Perhaps we can even learn something from...
  9. Wyvern's Sword

    Sunward Fort Sunward

    "Completely without armies and fortifications? That is... hard to imagine. To live in such a place must truely be a blessing. Still, you gave it up to answer the call. That is the mark of a hero." He would have smiled if he could. Again, the best he could manage was to crinkle the corners of...
  10. Wyvern's Sword

    Sunward Fort Sunward

    Tyrfing tilted to one side, puzzling at Stephen's odd question. "Sacred Ground must be protected. With high walls and bitter steel. Is Hoenn without defences?" He sounded concerned, although it was hard to tell from his expression. He turned back to the Captain as she spoke. "Such is the...
  11. Wyvern's Sword

    Sunward Fort Sunward

    Tyrfing turned so that his eye fixed on the Armarouge. In the bright sunlight, his vertical pupil contracted, amost entirely. A sliver of night that cut his iris in two. He floated to the front, stepping in to champion Stephen. "Well met, Day-Captain Aurelia of the Sun's Wardens. I am Tyrfing...
  12. Wyvern's Sword

    Sunward Fort Sunward

    Tyr rotated on the spot, to face Stephen once again. There was an echo in his voice, his eye fixed now on the Beldum. "Delighted to meet you, Stephen of Hoenn. It gladdens me to know that I am not alone in this experience. However, I think you may be mistaken about the boat. We are in a desert...
  13. Wyvern's Sword

    Sunward Fort Sunward

    Tyr's unblinking eye followed Prim. An apt name for a flower Pokemon, he thought. "Delighted to meet you, Prim. And no, steel is not my native shell. I was once of mortal flesh and blood. They called me the Sword of Galar, although it was not meant to be literal. Why do you ask?" His tassle...
  14. Wyvern's Sword

    Sunward Fort Sunward

    "Live? Nay. Long have I lain dormant beneath the sand, as unknowing of time's passage as of the land above." Tyrfing's single eye narrowed, and his voice became bitter and sad. He sighed then, and gathered his thoughts. "I wish I could say that I know what this place is. Alas, I have no memory...
  15. Wyvern's Sword

    Sunward Fort Sunward

    The sun blazed down. Tyr's blade was getting uncomfortably hot, and he was gladdened that he needn't drink. It was hard to see in the shimmering heat, but he thought there were two figures just up ahead. He pictured himself emerging from the haze, tassle billowing in the wind like a Knight's...
  16. Wyvern's Sword

    Sunward Fort Sunward

    Tyrfing shifted in the sand. He knew not how long he had lain still, nor what had roused him. He tried to stand, only to find that he had no feeling. Worse, no body, at least not anything familiar. Not a single muscle sinew. Yet he could feel the sand and the wind. It occurred to him suddenly...
  17. Wyvern's Sword

    Forlas Spirit Nexus

    Tyrfing reached instinctively for his sword. His hand closed over nothing. "That's not good," he muttered. Long had he known how to become a ghost in a crowd, and now he picked his way to the back of this one. Around him, a multitude of shifting forms, both people and pokémon. There was much...
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