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Search results

  1. C

    Hardest Gym Leaders?

    And if you're asking why is Candice was hard for me, that's because in a NUZLOCKE, her Medicham killed my Infernape AND my Steelix!
  2. C

    What in Giratina's hell is going on with Pokémon Masters EX?

    Yeah, but for Arkoos's sake, why does Blue have a Zapdos?
  3. C

    Hardest Gym Leaders?

    Also, for me, they were: Sabrina for RBY Whitney for GSC Norman for RSE Sabrina (again) for FRLG Candice for DPPt Whitney (again) for HGSS Lenora for BW Cheren for B2W2 None for XY (The Gym Leaders in those games are PATHETIC) Norman (again) for ORAS None for SMUSUM since those games don't have...
  4. C

    Hardest Gym Leaders?

    Normal-types are hard for everybody. I mean, they have one weakness (Fighting), and that type doesn't even RESIST Normal. And the earlier they are, the less counters you have for them. I mean, the only Pokémon that resist their STAB AND can use super effective STAB on pure Normal-types are...
  5. C

    What in Giratina's hell is going on with Pokémon Masters EX?

    I can tell GAME FREAK's gonna add Youngster Joey with a Pidgey. (Not Rattata/Raticate, which is the only Pokémon he uses.)
  6. C

    What in Giratina's hell is going on with Pokémon Masters EX?

    And what in Mew's brain is Giovanni doing with GUZZLORD?! Plus why do Tate and Liza have Jirachi and CELESTEELA?!
  7. C

    Odd HM Slaves?

    Also, before I got Kingler, I used Sandslash for Cut.
  8. C

    Odd HM Slaves?

    In my Blue playthrough, I used my Kingler for Cut, Surf and Strength, my Fearow for Fly and my Alakazam for Flash.
  9. C

    What in Giratina's hell is going on with Pokémon Masters EX?

    Seriously, those sync pairs... Not giving Blaine his Arcanine is a CRIME. And why does Silver have Ho-Oh? Plus Morty has a Ho-Oh, too. AND IT'S A SHINY! JESUS ARCEUS CHRIST!
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