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Search results

  1. wolfroland

    The CoD Monotype Challenge

    to much work to make this pretty so here its boring sorry. water mono for sapphire Name:Wrath Money:18888 Time:38:10 Party Swampert Mudpuppy(Swampert) lvl.51 ♂ Muddy Water, Take Down, Mud Shot, Surf gyarados Karpmagi(Gyarados) lvl.41 ♂ Surf, Earthquake, Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt lanturn...
  2. wolfroland

    useds games.

    I LOVE use pokemon games you never know what your going to get on it. i just bought a platinum with a complete dex everything accounted for in box. anyone els have experiences like this?
  3. wolfroland

    Solar Desert

    congratz....that seemed to be your last ball would you like to go back for more?
  4. wolfroland

    Solar Desert

    Flarginsnarf: you notice when you look back at the writing on the wall it resembles the unown you just caught maybe some more of those and you can make out what it says. you continue searching the tower and hear something up ahead. approaching the sound you find out is was a male Smeargle, do want?
  5. wolfroland

    The Bank

    $7 from Flarginsnarf to me.
  6. wolfroland

    Solar Desert

    Flarginsnarf: you enter the tower and start climbing you can tell that this area is very ancient. as you reach the 5th floor you you here a strange noise, you cant tell where its coming from so you continue on looking around. you notice writing on the wall that you can not read, suddenly you...
  7. wolfroland

    Early Cerulean Cave

    uhhh i guess ill take it...ill take one more go at it then ill be done for now.
  8. wolfroland

    Early Cerulean Cave

    O.o THAT i will take with open arm! and them continue on
  9. wolfroland

    The Bank

    $7 from Minnow to me
  10. wolfroland

    Solar Desert

    Minnow: you go to where the map says the runes are and you find it with no trouble. as you are exploring the runes and OH MY GOD! its a male shiny ! YOU WANT!?!
  11. wolfroland

    Early Cerulean Cave

    i declare N! move on
  12. wolfroland

    Early Cerulean Cave

    take it and keep it up.
  13. wolfroland

    Early Cerulean Cave

    eh i dont want another one skip it
  14. wolfroland

    Early Cerulean Cave

    lets keep going :D
  15. wolfroland

    Solar Desert

    (FF Victory music!) you caught It! that seemed to be your last ball would you like to buy more?
  16. wolfroland

    City Ruin

    ill take it i think ill be done for now
  17. wolfroland

    Early Cerulean Cave

    ok continue on
  18. wolfroland

    Early Cerulean Cave

    lets keep this up! onward!
  19. wolfroland

    Early Cerulean Cave

    ok, lets keep moving
  20. wolfroland

    Early Cerulean Cave

    hmmm i like how this is going, ill keep this up :D
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