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Search results

  1. BlueMoony

    Fiddler Creek

    coolking49 Ignoring the Wooper, you skirt the edge of the mud pit and come upon a small stand of trees. You can hear a buzzing sound, mysteriously like a chainsaw. Peeking around a tree you see a... Scyther(Male)! Will you take it?
  2. BlueMoony

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    Thank you! I'll take this Kecleon.
  3. BlueMoony

    Fiddler Creek

    NinjaChatot You run as fast as you can, with the (possibly) rabid dog pokemon hot on your heels. After climbing a tree, you can see the dejected Poochyana walk away. With a sigh of relief, you start to scramble back down, only to come face to face with a.... Chingling(female)! The poor...
  4. BlueMoony

    The Bank

    -5 dollars from Chatot55, +5 dollars to me.
  5. BlueMoony

    Thanks for visiting Fiddler's Creek!

    Thanks for visiting Fiddler's Creek!
  6. BlueMoony

    Fiddler Creek

    Fiddler leads you on a short trek through the trees. In a few minutes, you come across an Oran Berry plant.(3 berries) Even if you haven't found any Pokemon yet, these could come in handy. You are just about to pick them when a snarling Poochyana bursts out from underneath. Will you a)...
  7. BlueMoony

    Fiddler Creek

    Well, you've done it again. Being the amazing genius you are, you decided not to buy a map before exploring the forest, trusting in your instinct and nature to keep you out of trouble. Idiot! Now the ground has started to turn into a slimy muck that has completely ruined your shoes and the...
  8. BlueMoony

    Welcome to the Safari Zone! (What You Need to Know)

    Starting a thread.
  9. BlueMoony

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    I'll go again.
  10. BlueMoony

    Coconut Shy [BLACK]

    Re: Coconut Shy Hrmm.... I'm not to good at these games, but I'll try. One ball, please, and number 10.
  11. BlueMoony

    Primary Village

    This sounds absolutely adorable! I'll have a go : )
  12. BlueMoony

    Really? Thank you for that tip.

    Really? Thank you for that tip.
  13. BlueMoony

    Deluxe Pokémon Emporium

    Re: Deluxe Pokémon Emporium I'll take a Pokemon, please.
  14. BlueMoony

    Steam Canyon

    Go on, please.
  15. BlueMoony

    Safari Zone Pokémon Contest

    Re: Safari Zone Pokémon Contest Oh man, a writing contest, I love these. I hope you like! The nest contestant up on the stage is a more recent addition to the Zone, known as BlueMoony, or Moony for short. Moony is dressed in a simple red T-shirt and jeans, and appears to be extremely...
  16. BlueMoony

    Steam Canyon

    I'll take him, and keep going.
  17. BlueMoony

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    I'll take the Sableye. Hopefully he won't eat my face when I'm sleeping.
  18. BlueMoony

    The Love Tester

    Ok... I'll try it :)
  19. BlueMoony

    Steam Canyon

    I think I will go on the paths, with my Bulbasaur. Hopefully i can find something good :)
  20. BlueMoony

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    Hm... I'll keep going.
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