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Search results

  1. PoptartsGalore

    what is the ugliest pokemon?

    i hate smoochum... i mean, wtf?
  2. PoptartsGalore

    i know. Strudels are better but poptarts are cheaper and faster on the go :P

    i know. Strudels are better but poptarts are cheaper and faster on the go :P
  3. PoptartsGalore

    G/S/C Catching Suicune

    i've never had to change the battery, but what kind would i have to get to replace. also, i got 3 shakes out of a fast ball. when it broke i died a little inside, but i got me a faster haunter now. i gave it the necessary 10 carbos, a quick claw, and now it has 114 speed.
  4. PoptartsGalore

    G/S/C Catching Suicune

    i've used several fast/heavy balls but he always run. i got it down to 1hp using my Marowak but now i need something to put it to sleep to give me a few more chances to catch it. i know that my version is likely to die soon but im going to play the hell out of it until it croaks.
  5. PoptartsGalore

    G/S/C Catching Suicune

    I've been playing my silver version for a while now and realised that although i have a suicune, i never caught it. Now my dilemma is i don't remember what i used to catch Raikou and Entei, so i ask you: what is a fasr pokemon that knows a sleep technique by level 40? i've tried my haunter but...
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